Questionnaire.. I. Pre-reading AND Vocabulary activities.. II. Reading activities.. 3. Fill in the questionnaire giving some brief details about your background and interests.. QuestionnaireСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Questionnaire. I. Pre-reading AND Vocabulary activities. 1. Read the following words. Find their meanings in the dictionary: Questionnaire, christian, patronymic, marital, status, sign, occupation, favourite, language, dislike, personality, surname. [, kwest∫ ә ′ nɛ ә ], [′ krist∫ ә n], [, pæ trә ′ nimik], [′ mæ ritl], [′ steitә s], [siŋ ], [, ɔ kjә ′ pei∫ n], [′ feivә rit], [læ ŋ ɡ widʒ ], [di′ slaik], [, pә: sә ′ næ lә ti], [′ s3: neim]
2. Suggest the English for: имя отчество; фамилия; семейное положение; возраст; крепкие и слабые напитки; ликер; шампанское; любимая еда (книга, спорт, фильм, цвет, цветок, epg); знаки зодиака; родной и иностранный язык; любимые и нелюбимые дела; анкета; жизнеописание; заявление; ландыш; сирень; заниматься спортом (легкой атлетикой, фехтованием, плаванием); смотреть телевизор; слушать музыку; стирать; гладить; мести пол.
II. Reading activities. 3. Fill in the questionnaire giving some brief details about your background and interests. Questionnaire 1. Surname (family name) …………………………. ….. 2. Name (Christian name, given name, first name) ……. 3. Patronymic ………………………………. ………...... 4. Address …………………………………. ………. ….. 5. Telephone number ………………………………. ….. 6. Age ………………………………………………....... 7. Marital status (single, married, divorced) ……….. ….. 8. Nationality ………………………………………. ….. 9. Sign of zodiac ………………………………….. …… a. 21 January-19 February- Aquarius- the Water Carrier b. 20 February-20 March- Pisces- the Fishes c. 21 March-20 April- Aries- the Ram d. 21 April-20 May- Taurus- the Bull e. 21 May- 20 June- Gemini- the Twins f. 21 June-20 July- Cancer- the Crab g. 21 July-19/22 August- Leo- the Lion h. 20/23 August-22 September- Virgo- the Virgin i. 23 September-21 October- Libra- the Scales j. 23 October-21 November- Scorpio- the Scorpion k. 22 November-20 December- Sagittarius- the Archer l. 21 December-20 January- Capricorn- the Goat 10. Occupation (place of study, work)………………. … 11. Languages spoken (native, foreign)……………. ….. 12. Favourite drinks: a. Softdrinks: mineral water; coffee; Coca-Cola; juice; stewed fruit; Pepsi-Cola. b. Strong drinks: wine; whiskey; vodka; cognac; liqueur; beer; champagne 13. Favourite food: a. Fried beef, pork, chicken; b. Sausage; cutlet; aspic; stuffed cabbage rolls; c. Fish; vegetables, pizza, chips; pancakes; meat; d. Dumplings; biscuit; pie; e. Chocolate; sweets; cake. 14. Favourite: a. sport: football; basketball, tennis, wrestling, swimming; skiing, skating, boxing, ice-hockey, fencing, track and field athletics, figure-skating. b. books: detective, love stories, fantastic, adventure, history. c. music: classic, jazz, pop, folk, country. d. films: detective, western, comedy, musical, thriller, horror, cartoon. e. TV programme: news, talk-show, quiz-show, sport, musical, soap opera. f. flowers: carnation, jasmine, lily of the valley, rose, daffodil, peony, lilac, violet, camomile, tulip, chrysanthemum,. g. colour: white, black, grey, green, red, yellow, pink, coral, apricot, blue, khaki, ashy, claret, marine blue. 15. Likes: to watch TV (videos), to listen to music, to play musical instruments, to go in for sports, to play computer games, to go shopping, to read books, to go to the disco. 16. Dislikes: to do homework, to wash up, to do the room (ironing, sweeping the floor), to work in the garden. 17. Personality: