Conclusion. References ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 Conclusion Profession: Doctor of Medicine. Surgeon. Amateur musician. Residences: Berlin, Zurich Relation to Mahler: Correspondence with Mahler: Born: 26-04-1829 Bergen auf Rugen, Germany. Address: Alserstrasse, Vienna Died: 06-02-1894 Opatija, Croatia. Aged 64. Buried: 09-02-1894 Central cemetery, Vienna, Austria. Grave 14A-7. Christian Albert Theodor Billroth was a Prussian-born Austrian surgeon and amateur musician. As a surgeon, he is generally regarded as the founding father of modern abdominal surgery. As a musician, he was a close friend and confidant of Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), a leading patron of the Viennese musical scene, and one of the first to attempt a scientific analysis of musicality. Billroth was born at Bergen auf Rü gen in the Kingdom of Prussia. He went to school in Greifswald. He was an indifferent student, and spent more time practicing piano than studying. Torn between a career as a musician or as a physician, he acceded to his mother's wishes and enrolled himself at the University of Greifswald to study medicine. He then followed his professor, Wilhelm Baum, to the University of Gö ttingen, and completed his medical doctorate at the University of Berlin. Along with Rudolph Wagner (1805-1864) and Georg Meissner (1829-1905), Billroth went to Trieste to study the torpedo fish.
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