Afterwatching. Ex. 1 Repeat after teacher and translate. Ex. 2 Complete the words, then write 12 months in the right order. Ex. 3 Complete the crossword. Compare your answers with your partner ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Afterwatching Doyoulikethevideo? Выпелиоченьхорошо! Now let’s look at this sheet of paper. (упражнение3). Here there is a crossword. Your task is to complete it, you have 10 min for it. You can use cards from ex 1. (обращаяськученикам)Now compare the answers with your partner! You have 2 min Now let’s check it altogether and count your score! Read the first word, please. Whoknowstheanswer? That’sright! (таким образом проверяют и другие слова) Welldone! Today we talked about months of the year, listened to the song and made a crossword. Thank you for your work. Your homework will be to learn these words by heart for a dictation. You may be free. Good-bye!
Ex. 1 Repeat after teacher and translate
Ex. 2 Complete the words, then write 12 months in the right order
Ex. 3 Complete the crossword. Compare your answers with your partner