About us. Adjectives & Prepositions. Discuss these questions with your partner.. About us. Adjectives & Prepositions. Discuss these questions with your partner. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 About us Adjectives & Prepositions Discuss these questions with your partner.
Student A 1. What are you afraid of? 2. What are you good at? 3. Are you happy about your name? 4. What are you allergic to? 5. What are you grateful for? 6. What are you interested in? 7. How are you different from your teacher? 8. Who are you inspired by?
------------------------------------------------------- About us Adjectives & Prepositions Discuss these questions with your partner. Student B 1. What are you scared of? 2. What are you brilliant at? 3. Are you excited about anything? 4. Which animal are you similar to? 5. What are you thankful for? 6. Are you comfortable in the sea? 7. What are you made from? 8. When were you amazed by something?