Vocabulary review ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Task 1 What would you say in each of the situations? Use a correct idiomatic expression.
1. You are in a very difficult situation. - I’m in a trouble. pickle 2. You couldn’t sleep all night and you kept turning from side to side. - I didn’t sleep one wink and I tossed and turned. (2 expressions) 3. You woke up very early today. - I was up at the crack of down 4. You went to a lecture but you didn’t understand a word. - It was Greek to me. 5. You like to spent Sunday mornings in bed. - Last Sunday I had a really nicelie-in– I got up at noon! Task 2 Complete each sentence with a correct preposition. 1. I’veparticipated inmany interesting webinars this semester. 2. Last year I organized a vocabulary workshop onEnglish buzz words. 3. My project focusesonvarious aspects of intercultural communication. 4. He largely contributed to the effective communication in his team. 5. Yesterday he gave a presentation to/in front ofhis fellow students. 6. She has a degree in physics fromHarvard University. 7. Mike has just graduated from university. 8. We study Intercultural German Studies atViadrina European University. Task 3 Complete the collocations – write the words you can use with the verbs below. to evaluate costs, measures, your progress to organize a seminar, a workshop to run the business, the shop, training course to carry out a questionnaire, a survey, a project to develop plans, yourself, your skills Task 4 Complete each sentence with a correct word. 1. He likes to take a nap in the afternoon when he is tired after work. 2. It’s very hard to change the general mindset of the public – people usually stick to their way of thinking and opinions. 3. I can’t come to grips with this problem – I still don’t understand it. 4. A lucid dream is a dream during which a dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. 5. Most people are willing to developacquire new skills. 6. There’s often a kernel of truth in what they say. 7. These trees are grown for timber – houses will be built from them. 8. She was 105 when she died and she always attributed her longevityto her sense of humor and cheerfulness. 9. She isn’t very receptivesusceptible to flattery. 10. He’s very intelligent and learnt quickly – his cognitiveability is really high. 11. We all make mistakes – we are all fallible. 12. Her stories were so vivid that you thought you were inside them. Task 5 Write the words for the definitions below. Lock-down a situation in which people are not allowed to leave their houses or area freely because of an emergency Epidemic/pandemica dangerous disease that infects many people at one time Overwhelmingly/ costly expensive, especially too expensive ultimately finally, after a series of things that have happened Workforce the group of people who work in a company, industry, country Shift transition a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens Forward-thinkingthe act of thinking about and planning for the future, not just the present Frolic to play and behave in a happy way Deserted without any people in it Humblenot proud or not believing that you are important
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