Медикаментозная терапия ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Лекарства, которые могут быть использованы для снижения симптомов визуального снега: ламотриджин, ацетазоламид, верапамил[10], напроксен, нортриптилин, карбамазепин, сертралин[11] Однако эти лекарства не всегда дают положительный эффект. Обычно визуальный снег не прогрессирует, но и не исчезает. Пациенты, как правило, имеют хронические и рецидивирующие симптомы. Некоторые пациенты реагируют положительно на лечение мигрени с аурой или судорожных состояний. Visual snow is a form of visual hallucination that is characterized by the perception of small, bilateral, simultaneous, diffuse, mobile (not static), asynchronous dots, usually in the entire visual field, but also in parts. Visual snow is present in all lighting conditions, even with eyes closed. The dots remain individual and do not stick together, do not change size. Visual snow exists in one of two forms: pulse type and broadband type. Symptoms of visual snow usually appear during the later years of adolescence and early adulthood. In one study, the median age of onset of symptoms was 21, but visual snow syndrome can appear at any age, in people of any race and both sexes. Visual Snow Syndrome Symptoms • Dynamic, continuous, tiny dots throughout the field of view (noise in the eyes / ripples in the eyes / visual snow / " grain" in the image). • And at least one additional symptom: o Afterimage (palinopsia) (visual traces from objects and light from imprints of objects); o enhanced entoptic phenomena (photopsia, entoptic blue field phenomenon, vitreous destruction, ghost vision, halo); o photophobia (photophobia); o ringing in the ears (tinnitus); o reduced night vision. • Symptoms must be differentiated from the typical migraine aura, as well as ophthalmology and drug addiction. predicting disease severity based on symptoms: • women are about a third more likely to experience more symptoms than men; • the presence of migraine symptoms increases the risk of experiencing more symptoms of visual snow syndrome in the future by 2. 5 times; • The presence of tinnitus approximately doubles the risk of experiencing more symptoms of visual snow syndrome in the future. Diagnosis of visual snow is made on the basis of the patient's history, normal fundus examination, and CT or MRI brain examination to exclude other diagnoses[1] The differential diagnosis of visual snow is to exclude the following diseases: blue field entopic phenomenon, migraine with aura, vitreous destruction body, retinal detachment, dyslexia Medical therapy Drugs that can be used to reduce symptoms of visual snow: Lamotrigine, acetazolamide, verapamil[10], naproxen, nortriptyline, carbamazepine, sertraline[11] However, these drugs do not always work well. Usually, visual snow does not progress, but it does not disappear either. Patients tend to have chronic and recurrent symptoms. Some patients respond positively to treatment for migraine with aura or convulsive conditions.