№4 Translate a part of the text (2 points)
№4 Translate a part of the text (2 points)
Question paper 4 (6, 5 – 8 => 5) (5 – 6 => 4) (3, 5 – 4, 5 => 3) (1, 5 – 3 => 2)
№1. (2 points)
Translate into Russian c) Don’t ask questions! d) Please, put up your hands.
| Translate into English c) Я не могу найти свой телефон d) Я дам тебе денег.
№2 (2 points) Describe some of these things (2 things) mentioning their colour, size and function. опишите 2 любых предмета из списка (упомянув цвет (по желанию), размер (сравнив с чем-то другим), для чего они нужны и где их можно увидеть).
- a snake - hobby - a book - a stapler - a spider - honey - a bacterium
№3 Correct the mistakes (исправьте ошибки) (2 points) She speaks English well? How much time we have? Do she feel safe? You know that man? What you are doing?
№4 Name 5 or more phrases that a teacher can use in class (classroom vocabulary) (2 points)
Question paper 5 (6, 5 – 8 => 5) (5 – 6 => 4) (3, 5 – 4, 5 => 3) (1, 5 – 3 => 2)
№1. (2 points)
Translate into Russian c) I came into this room and… d) He doesn’t know how to use it.
| Translate into English c) Я позвонил ему вчера d) Я чувствую (себя) ужасно.
№2 (2 points) Describe some of these things (2 things) mentioning their colour, size and function. опишите 2 любых предмета из списка (упомянув цвет (по желанию), размер (сравнив с чем-то другим), для чего они нужны и где их можно увидеть).
- a Monkey - newspaper - a coin - a gun - butter - family - a ring
№3 Correct the mistakes (исправьте ошибки) (2 points) You are a teacher? What his name is? You can do that? He likes music? What does he reading?
№4 Translate a part of the text (2 points)
!!! Question paper 6 (6, 5 – 8 => 5) (5 – 6 => 4) (3, 5 – 4, 5 => 3) (1, 5 – 3 => 2)
№1. (2 points)
Translate into Russian c) Where did you get your shoes from? d) The study found that men who were married lived longer than those who were not.
| Translate into English c) Не зли меня (= не делай меня сердитым) d) Я буду пытаться найти ответ.
№2 (2 points) Describe some of these things (2 things) mentioning their colour, size and function. опишите 2 любых предмета из списка (упомянув цвет (по желанию), размер (сравнив с чем-то другим), для чего они нужны и где их можно увидеть).
- a tiger - a pencil - a lighter - a waffle cone - a map - great-grandfather - a song
№3 Write the questions (the answers are given)) (2 points)
a) ………………………………………………………………………. I see her every day. We’re in the same class b) ………………………………………………………………………. I first met her when we were in high school c) ………………………………………………………………………. No, I haven’t. d) ………………………………………………………………………. In Moscow in 1979
(2 points) №4 Translate a part of the text (2 points)