Periphrasis. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Exercise V. Analyse the given periphrases from the viewpoint of their semantic type, structure, function and originality: 1. Gargantuan soldier named Dahoud picked Ploy by the head and scrutinized this convulsion of dungarees and despair whose feet thrashed a yard above the deck. (Th. P. ) 2. His face was red, the back of his neck overflowed his collar and there had recently been published a second edition of his chin. (P. G. W. ) 3. His huge leather chairs were kind to the femurs. (R. W. ) 4. " But Pickwick, gentlemen, Pickwick, this ruthless destroyer of. this domestic oasis in the desert of Goswell street! " (D. ) 5. He would make some money and then he would come back and marry his dream from Blackwood. (Dr. ) 6. The villages were full of women who did nothing but fight against dirt and hunger and repair the effects of friction on clothes. (A. B. ) 7. The habit of saluting the dawn with a bend of the elbow was a hangover from college fraternity days. (Jn. B. ) 8. I took my obedient feet away from him. (W. G. ) 9. I got away on my hot adolescent feet as quickly as I could. (W. G. ) 10. I am thinking an unmentionable thing about your mother. (I. Sh. ) 11. Jean nodded without turning and slid between two vermilion-coloured buses so that two drivers simultaneously used the same qualitative word. (G. ) 12. During the previous winter I had become rather seriously ill with one of those carefully named difficulties which are the whispers of approaching age. (J. St. ) 13. A child had appeared among the palms, about a hundred yards along the beach. He was a boy of perhaps six years, sturdy and fair, his clothes torn, his face covered with a sticky mess of fruit. His trousers had been lowered for an obvious purpose and had only been pulled back half-way. (W. G. ) 14. When I saw him again, there were silver dollars weighting down his eyes. (T. C. ) 15. She was still fat after childbirth; the destroyer of her figure sat at the head of the table. (A. B. ) 16. I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration known as the Great War. (Sc. F. ) 17. " Did you see anything in Mr. Pickwick's manner and conduct towards the opposite sex to induce you to believe all this? " (D. ) 18. Bill went with him and they returned with a tray of glasses, siphons and other necessaries of life. (Ch. ) 19. It was the American, whom later we were to learn to know and love as the Gin Bottle King, because of a great feast of arms performed at an early hour in the morning with a container of Mr. Gordon's celebrated product as his sole weapon. (H. ) 20. Jane set her bathing-suited self to washing the lunch dishes. (Jn. B. ) 21. Naturally, I jumped out of the tub, and before I had thought twice, ran out into the living room in my birthday suit. (В. М. ) 22. For a single instant, Birch was helpless, his blood curdling in his veins at the imminence of the danger, and his legs refusing their natural and necessary office. (T. C. ) 23. The apes gathered around him and he wilted under the scrutiny of the eyes of his little cousins twice removed. (An. C. )