THE LION KING. 1) Who said it? Listen to the names of each character, and then decide who said the following sentences.. 2) Answer the following questions as you watch the film. (4 points each)Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ THE LION KING 1) Who said it? Listen to the names of each character, and then decide who said the following sentences. ___________ a. Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play with your food? ___________ b. Now, look, Zazu, you made me lose my lunch. ___________ c. Impeccable timing, your majesty. ___________ d. That ‘hairball’ is my son, and your future King. ___________ e. As far as brains goes, I’ve got the lion’s share, but when it comes to brute strength, I’m afraid I’m at the shallow end of the dream pool. ___________ f. Before sunrise, he’s your son. ___________ g. I’m gonna be King of Pride Rock. ___________ h. Just promise me you’d never visit that dreadful place. ___________ i. What’s so great about the Water Hole? ___________ j. The only checking out we’ll be doing is to check out of here. ___________ k. We could have whatever that’s lion around.
2) Answer the following questions as you watch the film. (4 points each) 1. After the big opening number, what is the first animal you see?
2. How does Simba know what is his kingdom?
3. The special edition features a new song not in the original sung by Zazu. What’s the song called?
4. During “I Just Can’t Wait to be King, ” the animals make a tower with Simba and Nala at the top. What kind of animal are they sitting on?
5. Scar brings the hyenas food from what animal?
6. Simba practices his roar on what type of animal?
7. Name the “game” Timon & Pumbaa are playing when they come across Simba.
8. What color is the bug that is “crè me filled”?
9. What does Pumbaa think the stars are?
10. How does Simba know that it is Nala?
11. When Simba only sees his own reflection, what does Rafiki tell him to do?
12. What is the last word said by Mufasa’s ghost?
13. What does the hyena say that makes Pumbaa mad?
14. What happens almost as soon as Scar is defeated?
15. Name one of the directors.