Variant II.. The Federal Security Service ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Variant II. Задание 1. Заполните пропуски, словами и выражениями, представленными ниже. surveillance programs, organized crime, government policy, counter-terrorism purposes, federal law violations, drug smuggling, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, executive body
The Federal Security Service Федеральная служба безопасности Российской Федерации (ФСБ)
The Federal Security Service (FSB) is a federal 1. ___ which implements 2. ___ in the national security of the Russian Federation. Its main responsibilities are within the country. The FSB carries out counter-intelligence, internal and border security, 3. ___, and monitors 4. ___as well as investigates some other types of grave crimes and 5. ___. It is headquartered in Lubyanka Square, Moscow's center, in the main building of the former KGB. According to the 1995 Federal Law " On the Federal Security Service", direction of the FSB is executed by the president of Russia, who appoints the Director of FSB. The FSB is also responsible for internal security of the Russian state, and the fight against 6. ___, terrorism, and 7. ____. Overseas espionage is one of the major duties of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service. It is a successor to the KGB's First Directorate, as well as the GRU, a body within the Russian Ministry of Defense. However, the FSB's FAPSI conducts electronic surveillance abroad. All 8. ___in Russia work under the guidance of the FSB, if necessary.
KGB** Committee for State Security - Комитет Государственной Безопасности (КГБ) FAPSI*** Federal Agency of Government Communications and Information (FAGCI) (Федеральное Агентство Правительственной Связи и Информации) Задание 2. Задайте вопросы к тексту, представленному выше. Задание 3. Используя фразы unlike, like, both, in contrast to, be focused on, specialize in, be responsible for, напишите различия российских и американских служб. Задание 4. Закончите предложения, используя лексику из текста. 1. The FSB is … 2. The FSB is focused on … 3. The major purpose of the FSB is to … 4. FSB agents … grave crimes and federal law violations. 5. The headquarters of the FSB is at … 6. The president of Russia is … 7. KGB is … 8. FAPSI is responsible for … Задание 5. Найдите слова в кроссворде.