We expect applications that are related to but not limited to these perspectives. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 We expect applications that are related to but not limited to these perspectives. Applications, requirements and deadlines: The conference will be held in person in St. Petersburg, Russia, at 1, Shpalernaya street, on June 3-4, 2022. The online participation format is also possible. The languages of the conference are Russian and English, translation will not be provided. The conference is open to young scholars from any disciplinary background within the humanities and social sciences. Please send aproposal of 500-700 words in Russian or English and a short CV to constructing2022@gmail. comno later than March31, 2022. Successful candidates will be informed by April20, 2022. Proposals should: 1) present a clearly formulated research question and issue; 2) outline the historiographical context; 3) provide a brief description of sources and the approach to their use. Candidates should be prepared to submit the detailed text of their presentations (about 2, 000 words) two weeks prior to the conference. Funding: the conference has a limited budget for high-quality proposals from students unable to cover their travel expenses (including those coming from abroad). For further information, please contact us: constructing2022@gmail. comor https: //www. facebook. com/constructing/.