A Book Commercial. Read With Me ABC. Congratula*ons! You get to star in your very own book commercial!
Book Review Template
A Book Commercial
Created by Wendy Arentz
Read With Me ABC
Book Review
1. Students select or are assigned a book to read.
2. After reading the book, they complete the book commercial template.
3. Students practice their book talks. 4. The book talks are recorded or presented in class.
Additional Notes:
Students can display/hold up the book during their presentation.
If you record the talks, consider filming in front of a Smart Board with the book displayed on the screen.
Share your book talks with another class, present them at an assembly, or broadcast them on school TV.
Wendy Arentz @ Read With Me ABC Book Commercial
Congratula*ons! You get to star in your very own book commercial!
Direc*ons: Complete the paragraph below. Prac2ce reading yourcommercial smoothly and with expression. Your commercial will be recorded on ___________________. Please bring your book and this paper and with you to your recording session.
Hi! I’m __________________ ______________________ your first name your last name
and I’m here to tell you about one of my favorite books,
_______________________ by _____________________. Dtle of book author
This book is about _________________________________ If your book is ficDon, tell about the characters and the
________________________________________________ problem of the story but don’t spoil the ending. If your book is non-‐ ficDon, tell about the
________________________________________________. interesDng facts you learned.
If you like _____________________ books, then you are genre, or type of book
going to LOVE ____________________________________! Dtle of the book
Wendy Arentz @ Read With Me ABC