<question>Choose the right variant: I'm very tired . over four hundred miles today.< question> Choose the right variant: I'm very tired.... over four hundred miles today. < variant> I've driven. < variant> I drive. < variant> I've been driving. < variant> I drove < variant> I'm driving'. < question> Choose the rightvariant: Her story madeeverybody.... < variant> Laugh. < variant> To laugh < variant> Laughed. < variant> To laughing. < question> Choose correct noun in Plural form; < variant> Gardens. < variant> Gardener. < variant> Gardenes. < variant> Garden's. < variant> Gardenis. < question> Complete the sentence. ... father is an architect: < variant> His. < variant> They. < variant> Us. < variant> She. < question> Indicate the right answer. Are there... students in the reading room? < variant> Any < variant> More < variant> Some. < variant> Much. < question> Complete the sentence. I usually wake... early: < variant> Up. < variant> In.
< variant> Under.
< variant> At. < variant> On. < question> Choose the right variant: Acloset or cabinet with shelves for holding cups, plates and the like is called a...... < variant> Cupboard. < variant> Fridge. < variant> Table. < variant> Wardrobe. < variant> Chandelier. < question> Complete the sentence. Residence of Kazakhstan’s President, the Parliament and the Government are located in... : < variant> Almaty. < variant> Taraz. < variant> Atyrau. < variant> Aktau. < question> Choose the right variant: Our partners would like the goods... in time. < variant> To be delivered. < variant> Be delivered. < variant> Be delivering. < variant> Be deliverings.
< variant> To be delivering.