<question>Choose the correct answer: They started building the road two years ago and they haven't. finished it.< question> Choose the correct answer: They started building the road two years ago and they haven't... finished it. < variant> stil l < variant> seldom < variant> usually < variant> often < variant> always < question> Choose the correct word: There is a good language…at our University where we work with cassette-recorders. < variant> labora t ory < variant> corridor < variant> office < variant> waiting room < variant> kitchen < question> Choose the correct item: Traditionally London is divided into… … and… …. < variant> East End, Wes t End < variant> East End, City < variant> West End, City < variant> West End, < variant> Brooklin < question> Choose the right variant. The capital of the USA is...: < variant> Washing t on. < variant> London. < variant> New York. < variant> Philadelphia. < variant> Boston. < question> Choose the noun in a possessive case: The…. watch. < variant> Wi f e's < variant> Wifes < variant> Wivs < variant> Wive’s < variant> Wife < question> Complete the sentence Do you know my... husband? < variant> Sis t er's. < variant> Sisters. < variant> Sister. < variant> A sister. < variant> Sisters's. < question> Choose the right variant: He would feel better if he … … the medicine. < variant> Had t aken < variant> Will have taken < variant> Has taken < variant> Will be taking < variant> Will take < question> Choose the best alternative. Tom lives near us. We... him. < variant> of t en see < variant> are often seeing < variant> see often < variant> often seeing < variant> are seeing