File 6 orally. File 1 in written form. File 3 in written form. File 4 in written form. File 5 orally. File 7 orally. File 10 in written form. File 5 in written form. File 6 in written form
28. 04 How to comment on charts and trends 27A File 6 orally Упражнение выполните устно, постарайтесь разбить на группы слова, обозначающие три основных тренда (изменения): рост, спад, стабильность. Go up Increase rise grow Go down decline decrease fall Don’t move stabilize remain steady Fluctuate means go up and down 27B File 1 in written form Выполните упражнение письменно, обратите внимание, речь идет о наблюдаемых в данный момент изменениях 1. is declining 2. are fluctuating 3. is falling 4. remains steady/ is remaining steady 5. is rising 6. is stabilising UK -ise (stabilizing US) File 3 in written form Выполните упражнение письменно 2. decreased 3. dramatically 4. steady 5. increase 6. beginning 7. downward 8. lowest
File 4 in written form Выполните упражнение письменно 1. B 2. C 3. A File 5 orally Выполните упражнение устно, прочитайте все примеры вслух 1 e 2 b 3 d 4 f 5 a 6 h 7 g 8 c
File 7 orally Упражнение выполните устно 1 B 2 A 3 F 4 C 5 D 6 E
File 10 in written form Выполните упражнение письменно, используя изученную лексику. 1 graph 2 x axis…y axis 3 solid line 4 broken line 5 dotted line 6 Product A …on the graph\ over the past ten years 7 have stabilized in recent years…have decreased 8 steady growth
27C File 5 in written form Прослушайте файл Percent predictions, выполните упражнение письменно 1 will grow 2 will rise 3 will fall 4 will remain steady 5 will increase 6 will fluctuate
File 6 in written form Прослушайте файл Charts and trends, выполните упражнение письменно
A Three segments: home, refreshment areas, travelling
B a 5 b 3 c 4 d 1 e 6 f 2