Horizontally. Vertically
Horizontally 2. The humoral factor of influence on all kinds of biochemical reactions 5. The result of the digestion of carbohydrates by glycolysis 9. Vitamin-like substance of non-protein nature, which is necessary for enzymes 14. A portion of the tRNA molecule recognizing its corresponding codon 16. The DNA complex in the nucleus, which makes up the chromosomes 17. An organic compound comprising an amino group and a carboxyl group 20. Nemembranny nucleoprotein organoid of the cell, which carries out protein biosynthesis 21. Process of protein synthesis from amino acids on the matrix of information (matrix) RNA (mRNA, mRNA), carried out by the ribosome.
Vertically 1. A substance that promotes the acceleration of chemical reactions taking place in the body 2. A white or colorless odorless substance, having a sweet taste, soluble in water 3. Organic substances with high biological activity and performing an essential role in the regulation of vital processes 4. protein synthesis occurs in ribonucleoprotein particles called... 5. A group of ribosomes placed simultaneously on one molecule of mRNA 6. A homogeneous substance that fills intracellular structures (organoids) and the spaces between them 7. The process of synthesis of natural organic compounds by living organisms 8. The initial stage of glucose oxidation, which does not require oxygen 10. End of the region of the copied DNA 11. Internal liquid medium of any cell 12. The site of their three nucleotides in the mRNA molecule 13. A substance capable of polymerization 15. Zone inside the organoid in which the DNA is concentrated 18. Membrane organoid, providing the cell with energy 19. The process of creating mRNA by rewriting genetic information 22. The process of doubling the DNA molecule 23. RNA-containing zone in the nucleus