AutismTask 1 Autism
Autism (also known as infantile autism) infantile autism), childhood autism (childhood autismearly infantile/childhood autism (early infantile/childhood autism), Kanner's syndrome or Kanner's autism (Kanner's autism), in DSM-IV — autistic disorder (autistic disorder) — a disorder arising from a violation of the development of the brain and characterized by a pronounced and comprehensive deficiency social interaction and communication, as well as limited interests and repetitive activities. All these signs begin to appear at the age of three years. Similar conditions, in which milder signs and symptoms are noted, are attributed to autism spectrum disorders. The causes of autism are closely related to genes that affect the maturation of synaptic connections in the brain, but the genetics of the disease is complex, and at the moment it is not clear what more affects the occurrence of autism spectrum disorders: the interaction of multiple genes or rarely occurring mutations. In rare cases, there is a stable Association of the disease with exposure to substances that cause birth defects. Other alleged causes are controversial — in particular, no scientific evidence has been obtained for the hypothesis linking autism with childhood vaccination. According to data from the United States, in 2011-2012, autism and autism spectrum disorders were officially diagnosed in 2% of schoolchildren, which is much more compared to 1. 2% in 2007.
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