


Случайная статья

* Слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, перевести и выучить наизусть



Упражнения в чтении


Упражнения в чтении  


Открытый слог Закрытый слог 

eve, me, mete, Pete, net, lend, bet, pen, spend, bent, bend, left, bede, let, den, bed, men, ten, best, eke, be, kept, slept, met, melt, zest, step, test, mend, bell, less, fell, tent



Открытый слог


Закрытый слог                                    

blame, pale, mate, fate, make, fat, van, lad, name, fame, lamp, lake, bad, late, plan, ale, date, vale, bat, nave, tape, pan, fan, blade, lane, mass, lass, add, ass, hate, has

запомните: have [hxv]*

[J] Pete be [e] left met




[x] land man

3 i, y

Открытый слог Закрытый слог

bye, dye, my, tie, if, nip, tip, fit, tin, mine, fine, dive, pine, life, lift, pipe, tide, kid, like, time, tint, tyke, by, dyke, dike, did, nine, type, kill, till, miss, mill, kiss, him, hill, hide, hike, hip

запомните: live [lIv], give [gIv], ski [skJ]

4 o

Открытый слог


Закрытый слог

no, lot, not, on, dome, vote, note, off, odd, doll, pole, dot, hole, home, spot, globe, woke, plot, hope, tod, trope, trot, floe, flog, floss, fro, pro, frog, from, frost, lot


запомните : do [du: ], to [tu]

[aI] five type [I] bit tryst




[O] Tom doll


Открытый слог   Закрытый слог  

cut, mud, dust, duke, use, run, fuse, dune, tune, tube, dump, fume, fun, hue, due, hut, stuff, nude, cup, gun, putty, duty, husk, crust, bluff, blunt

запомните: put [put]


ee, ea [ J]

meat, feet, need, neat, lead, sleep, deed, feed, fleet, leave, zeal, bead, keep, feel, pea, deal, leaf, mean, eat, ease, east, eel, bee, beef, been, beet, tea, team, teen

[jH] mute due [A] hut bud






e, i, y  

В остальн.


cat, can, face, lace, cap, cliff, cell, cent, cite, clap, cyst, clean, nice, mice, cyme, cape, candle, camp, cane, cattle, clamp, cede, slice, back, lack, nick, black, deck, slack, neck, pack, peck


Перед e, i, y   

В остальн.


gale, page, cage, big, badge, age, stage, stag, god, glim, sage, dig, got, go, glide, glad, gene, gybe, gym, gas, gentle, gem, log, dog

запомните: give [gIv], get [get]








[s]  face  cyst [k]  can fact

* Слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом, перевести и выучить наизусть



в начале  слов в конце cлов без ударения

yet, yell, 'lady, yes, yak, yelk, yeast, 'kitty, yam, yap, 'lazy, yen, 'needy, 'neatly, yelp, yelt, 'sticky, yipe, 'tiny, yock, yo, yode, 'fancy, yoke, yon, yond, yill, yin, 'fifty, yede, yegg, 'zany, yale, yap, 'easy, 'silly


ai, ay, ey


mail              grey



pain, bey, vain, nail, day, lain, may, pay, say, hey, clay, aim, nay, mail, fail, sail, dey, bay, prey, lay, claim, plain, laid, grey, gay, gain, hay, hail, jail, Kay, lay, pray, play, ray, saint, Seine, tail,

запомните: key [kJ], aisle [QIl]

[j] yes, yap  [I] silly, daddy

sh [S]



she, ship, shad, shunt, dish, shelf, shaggy, shell, crush, shake, sham, sheaf, cosh, shook, shame, shave, sheep, shine, fish, shop, clash, shape, shack, shiny, shock, shrug, shy, crash, dash ch, tch [C] cheap match   chime, chest, crutch, check, chafe, champ, crotch, chap, lynch, catch, clutch, chat, cheap, inch, aitch, chick, chide, chilly, ditch, china, stitch, choke, chum, cinch, match, Dutch
13 th [T] theme  в начале и конце знаменат. слов; [D] this  в начале и конце служебн. слов и между гласными thick, three, breathe, cloth, clothe, thin, theme, depth, tenth, fifth, sixth, width, bathe, teeth, thane, thank, wi'thin, thatch, theft, thimble, think, thrash, three, bath, blithe, thrash, throne, thrice, myth, moth, kith, seethe, Smith these, they, then, with, them, those, thus, this, that, the, than, their   w, wh [w] way while wine, wide, will, win, well, wage, wig, wish, way, whine, whip, white, why, wheel, whale, when, which, whim, wheat, waist, waive, wade, waif, wail, wain, wait, wake, weal, weave, web, wedge, wet, we, wave, wax, weak, weep, went, wept запомните: w+ho-[h]-who[hu: ], whose[hu: z], whole[houl], whom[hu: m]

[H] food




soon, loop, spoon, tool, pool, too, zoo, bloom, bloop, boo, rood, boom, boon, tooth, boost, room, booze, hoof, coop, troop, croon, drool, droop, fool, foozle, gloom, food, choose, loose [lHs] look, took, hook, brook, book, good, foot, crook  

ore, or [L]

more             nor

shore            north

cord, fork, score, port, sport, more, born, core, store, short, lore, sort, 'forty, fore, sore, horde, for, ex'plore, bore, shore, pore, chore, lord, pork, lorn, morn, morse, yore, York
открытый слог    are [Fq] mare dare закрытый слог ar [R] car large rare, hare, cart, hard, blare, bar, care, square, stare, large, flare, yard, share, spare, charm, harm, dark, star, bare, bard, scare, yarn искл.: are [R] открытый слог    (y)ire [QIq] tire tyre    закрытый cлог (y)ir [W] firm myrtle 'tired, mire, shirt, sir, first, 'thirty, third, 'dirty, wire, lyre, skirt, hire, whirl, bird, tyre, birth, fire, fir, dire, gyre, ire
открытый слог    ure [juq] закрытый слог ur [W]   lure, burn, en'dure, se'cure, pure, turn, curl, hurt, turtle, spur, nurse, curd, curdle, burst, purse, fur, mure, lurch, church, cure открытый слог    ere  [Iq]   закрытый слог er [W]   herd, sere, nerve, hers, here, term, serf, terse, serve, mere, sere, her, cere, fere, ferm, ferny, Bern, berth, mercy

в конце слов безуд.

-er, -or, ur, -ar [q]

(как русская безударная “а”: в слове хат а )

'teacher, 'reader, 'member, 'doctor, 'actoг

polar, cinder, `number, sponsor, traitor, sensor, spider, collar

Неопределенный артикль и безударные гласные


a book, a house, a boy, a pen, an end, an arm, a port, a term, an ox, a bit, an apple


a'ttend, 'pupal, 'factum, 'faggot, a'buse, 'contact, con'tact, `tyrant, data, ac'count, con'tract

ew [jH]



pew, mew, mewl, mews, new, news, newt, tew, dew, ewe, hew, hewn, few


'dewy, 'pewit, 'pewter, 'newel, 'newish, 'newly, 'Newton, 'ewer, 'fewer, 'fewest


qu [kw] +гласная в начале или

середине слова




quest, quite, quill, quote, queen, quake, quack, quaky, quench, quiddle, quiet, quiz, quackle, queasy, quell, quern, quick, quid, quiff, quince, quod  

igh [aI]




eigh [eI]


fight, light, might, night, sight, high, flight, 'frighten, bright, bight, blight, fright, lightish, mighty, nightly, right, rightist, slight, tight, wight


eight, eighty, eighteen, eighth, weight, neigh, neighbor, weigh, weigher, weighty

wa [wO]



war [wL]



was [z], wash, wast, watch, wand, 'wander, 'wanton, want, waft, what, waff, wad, waddle, 'waddy, wabble, waffle, wan, 'washy, 'water, watt, wattle   warm, war, ward, re'ward, warn, warp, 'warper, wart

Буква а +nge, a+ste обычно имеет алфавитное чтение [eI].

range, strange, a'rrange, change, ex'change, 'danger

taste, waste, haste

a [R]перед th

[D] father, rather [T] path, bath, lath, rath

ng [N] song

nk [Nk] link

bang, ding, dung, pang, bank, wing, blank, thing, wink, fang, pink, tank, bong, bring, ink, sink, song, think, ankle, sing, ding-dong, dunk, funk, drink, long, lank, plank, morning, building, donkey, 'sitting, 'taking, bringing, 'singing,

o [A]перед m, n, th, v

dove, some, won, front, month, come, love, glove, son, one /w/, once /w/, oven, other, 'mother, plover, 'wonder, 'brother, a`bove, 'comfort, other, 'cover, 'company, coven, monkey


[s] после глух. согласных и в начале слова  [z] после гласных и звонк. согласных  

sad, feeds, bells, sends, cats, lets, meets, sets, sat, bees, sleeps, spends, mends, sells, stops, is, pens, beds, plans, dolls, zest, test, sake, sand, stamps, sale, style, side, sin, less, mass, lass, miss, mess, ness, ass, kiss


аw; au [L]



аw, аu, law, bawbee, dawdle, fawn, hawk, mawkish, draw, paw, pawn, August prawn, taw, trawl, drawn paw, saw, raw, audio, audit, caw, gawp, auger, daw, dawn, 'saucer, cause, auk, 'aural, 'augur, 'audit, bauble, lawn, maw, daub, fawny, gawk, dauby, daunt, bawd, bawl, faucet, fault, faun, gaud, haw, gaunt, jaw, lawk, gauze

cats set tins bees,

Гласные под ударением перед согласной + le читаются как в алфавите:

ta+ble, ti+tle, no+ble cy+cle

cycle, table, stable, title, able, idle, maple, Bible, sable, stifle, trifle, ably, bridle, cable, fable, gable, noble, sidle

Гласные i, o перед nd, ld читаются как в алфавите:


ki+nd, mi+ld, o+ld

kind, cold, mild, find, mind, old, bold, sold, told, bind, gold, fold, hold, blind

a [R]перед s+согл. (брит. )

( [x] амер. )

pass, class, task, fast, grass, grasp, last, vast, cast, hasp, hassle, past, rasp, 'raspy, 'vastly, 'nasty, glass, ask

a+lk [Lk] chalk, walk

a+ll [Ll] tall


talk, walk, chalk, balk, balky

gall, hall, ball, fall, all, wall, call, pall, tall, mall


wr [r] в начале слов

write, wrist, wretch, wry, writ, wrap, wrong, wrack, wraith, wrangle, wreak, wreath, wreathe, wreck, wren, wrench, wrest, wrestle, wrick, wriggle, wright, wring, wrinkle, wrote

kn [n] в начале слов

knew, knit, knell, knife, knight, knack, knag, knap, knar, knave, knead, knee, knick-knack, knob, knock, knot, knuckle, knur, knurl

w+ or

[wW] work


word, worse, world, worst, 'worship, 'network, worth, 'worthy, worm, 'worsen, wort, `wordy, work, `working, `worldly, `wormy, `subword

ear [Iq]



'early, earth, learn, earn, ear, hear, near, fear, year, dear, earl, clear, blear, bleary, g[g]ear, earthly, heard, pearl, rear,




air [Fq] на конце слова

air+гласн. [FqrI]

air, chair, fair, hair, lair, pair, bairn, braird

'dairy, fairy, fairly, Nairn, prairie,


ei, ie [J]

'ceiling, seize,, re'ceive, de'ceive, bein, niece, field, piece, priest, chief, brief, briefly, mien, kief, fief, thief

искл.: friend [frend], leisure ['leZq]

ow, ou [aV]








down, gown, brown, how, bow, row, bow-wow, now, owl, brow, browse, cow, crowd, crown, mow, pow, powder, power, vow, vowel, towel, tower


loud, round, a'bout, a'mount, foul, found, bounce, bound, bounty, bout, couch, council, count, douse, fount, gouge, gout, house, mouse, mouth, blouse, noun


oa, ow [qV]






[ou] slow, low, row, snow, bow, yellow, own, bowl, owe, crow, mow, tow, trow, throw, thrower, grow, grown, growth, blow


boat, load, road, soap, throat, coast, boast, broach, bloat, coat, coach, coal, coax, cloak, foam, foal, goal, goat, gloat, groan, poach, throat

[H]ou, ue, u в открытом слоге, ui



[V] u в закрытом слоге

[u: ] soup, group, ouzel, route, cougar, coupon, foumart, Louis[lHI], loup

[u: ]true, rude, fruit, blue, brute, glue, rule, suit

[u] pull, full, bush, push, bull, put

ou [A]



ou+gh [Af]

couple, young, 'country, trouble, couplet, courage, cousin, double, Douglas, flourish


rough, e'nough, tough


e [I] в безударном положении в начале и конце слов (классический вариант, е   [q] в современном варианте)

e'lect, en'joy, 'goodness, de'ny, 'pocket, re'peat, re'sult, ec'lipse, ef'face, ef'fect, e'ject, e'leven, e'lope, em'bark, em'battle, em'bay, em'boss, e'mit, em'ploy, en'able, en'rich, re'quest, be'dim, be'come, be'fore, be'half, be'hind, be'hold, be'long, be'low, be'neath, be'sides, be'tray, be'yond


[gz] перед ударной гласной  


в остальн.



e'xist, e'xact, e'xempt, e'xult, e'xude, e`xam, e`xert, e`xotic


box, next, ex'cept, ex'pect, wax, 'excellent, six, fix, tax, ex'ceed, ex'cel, ex'change, ex'claim, 'exile, ex'pand, ex'pence, ex'plain, fax, oxen, ax, exit



ea [e]

dead, bread, deaf, 'ready, 'heavy, meant, dread, in1stead, spread, ‘steady, ‘deadlock


door, floor, your, four, pour

запомните : our [aVq]

В словах греческого и латинского. происхождения. ch [k]

chrome, chord, chordal, cho'ristic character, `echo, 'epoch, hi-tech, 'technical, 'architect

В словах греческого и латинского происхождения ph [f]

photo, phone, phrase, physics, phantom, 'pharmacy, phase, `phasic, `phial, phlox, phosphor, photon, typhus

ture [Cq]

tur - между гласными  [C(q)r]

'nature, 'future, ' structure, 'picture, lecture


'natural, 'structural

sure [Zq]

ea [e] перед sure

ssure [Sq]

pleasure, measure, treasure






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