TASKS (УПРАЖНЕНИЯ). I. Match the English word or phrase with its Russian equivalent.. II. Here are descriptions of some of the British sports. Match them up to the given sports.. III. Answer the following questions?. Выполненные задания отправьте для провTASKS (УПРАЖНЕНИЯ) I. Match the English word or phrase with its Russian equivalent. snooker (billiard) прямая трансляция lawn tennis игра «Метание стрелок» table tennis гонки darts скачки, бег с препятствиями steeplechase снукер racing большой теннис live broadcasting настольный теннис II. Here are descriptions of some of the British sports. Match them up to the given sports. 1. In this game players may carry the ball. a) cricket 2. Itis a cross country running b) table tennis 3. It first started in 1820 c) rugby 4. The game is very slow. d) boat race 5. It was invented in 1880 e) soccer 6. It remains one of the most popular games in Great Britain f) steeplechase.
III. Answer the following questions? 1. What kinds of football are there in Great Britain? 2. What is one of the most popular sports in Britain? Where did it originate? 3. What is the second most popular sporting activity in England? 4. What is Wimbledon famous for? 5. What kinds of racing do you know? 6. What is the most famous race in England? When and where was it first held? Выполненные задания отправьте для проверки на электронную почту smyshlyaeva-sv77@yandex. ru или сообщением в Vk. https: //vk. com/smyshlyaeva_sv