Консультация. What is a midwife?. Where do midwives work?Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ ОГСЭ. 03 Консультация Тема: Акушерская практика Количество часов: 2 Преподаватель: Бережная О. А.
What do midwives do? A midwife is a health professional trained to support and care for women during pregnancy, labour and birth. They help you to stay healthy in pregnancy and, if no complications arise, to give birth with little intervention. Midwives also care for you and your baby in the first few weeks following the birth. What is a midwife? Traditionally, midwives were nurses who underwent extra study. Now, midwives can become qualified by doing a 3-year university degree without needing to study nursing first. Practising midwives must register with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Some have extra qualifications and can prescribe certain medications, or practise privately. Private midwives must also register with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). In Australia, while both men and women can practise as midwives, most of those currently working are women. Where do midwives work? Midwives operate in many settings, including hospital maternity units, birth centres, obstetrician's consulting rooms, midwifery group practices, community health centres and in private homes. Where you see a midwife will depend on where and how you choose to give birth. If you live in a rural or remote area, your choice of birth facility might be limited. You might see a midwife (or doctor) at a local community health service. You may also need to travel to a hospital with a maternity unit for the birth. Midwifery care in a public hospital and birth centre is covered by Medicare. If you have a home birth, Medicare will cover some of the care offered by a private midwife with a Medicare provider number, but only for care given during the pregnancy and after the baby is born — not the actual birth. You will pay a fee for midwifery care under a private obstetrician or for a private midwife. But most private midwives are registered as Medicare providers, so you may get a rebate through Medicare. Otherwise, you may get a rebate from your private health insurer.