Getting to school: Transport. Learning objectives. Lesson objectives. Previous learning. Planned activities. Evaluation. Greeting. Warm up activity. Introducing new material. Dynamic break. Reflection. Good bye song. Getting to school: How do you get to s
LESSON 33: Unit 5 Travel
Getting to school: Transport
| School:
| Date:
| Teacher name:
Grade: 1
| Number present:
| absent:
Learning objectives
| S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly
L4 recognise basic intonation distinguishing questions from statements
L1 recognise short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly
Lesson objectives
| All learners will be able to:
Name types of transport intelligibly
Produce some approval/disapproval sounds
Most learners will be able to:
Respond appropriately to some yes/no questions
Use some short form answers correctly
Respond to some information questions about transport correctly
Some learners will be able to:
Give some information about themselves and others using covered grammatical structures correctly
Previous learning
| The world around us
| Planned timings
Planned activities
| Learners’ activities
| Resources
| Beginning
5 min
Hello, boys and girls! How are you?
Warm up activity
Call the number: allow the children to walk, run or skip around the hall. The teacher calls a number for example, four. The children must form groups of four. Continue the game calling different numbers each time. Teacher may ask them to perform a balance or to perform a stretch after each whistle
Pupils do the instructions
| Middle
30 min
Introducing new material
New words (with mime)
Listen and say. Teacher drills the pronunciation with whole class and with individual learners.
1) car 2) bus
3) bike 4) train
5) tram 6) boat
7) plane 8) helicopter
| Pupils listen and pronounce
| Learners answer in their native language Teacher drills (in native language): That’s right. They’re on a bus. Then teacher gives the translation of words.

Then teacher shows the pictures or PPT of different means of transport and ask their translation:
bus, car, bike, tram, train
Teacherprojects visuals of different means of transport around an image of school. Teacher asks each learner to write the first letter of their names and come to the board and stick them on the transport they use. Teacher then asks (Teacher can ask in native language) e. g. Does Ali ride a bike to school? Learners give answer.
Dynamic break
Learners go to the carpet and have a dynamic break “Head, shoulders, knees & toes”
Listening and putting objects on and colouring different parts of a getting to school transport scene card. Write number 10 on the bus. Colour the bike blue. Put the cat in the car.
| Pupils answer
Pupils write the first letter transport
Pupils do dynamic break
Song “Head, shoulders, knees & toes”
| End
Ask learners to look at lesson objectives they set at the beginning of the lesson and think and say (with teacher support) if and they achieved these objectives or working towards them: ask students if they can answer “What’s this? ” question.
Good bye song
Pupils sing a good-bye song
| PPP slide 2
https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Xcws7UWWDEs
| | | | | | | | |
LESSON 34: Unit 5 Travel
Getting to school: How do you get to school?
| School:
| Date:
| Teacher name:
Grade: 1
| Number present:
| absent:
Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to
| 1. L2 recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly
1. S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines
1. S5 use words in short exchanges
1. UE5 use interrogative pronouns which, what, where, how to ask basic questions
1. UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative and question] to give basic personal information
Lesson objectives
| Learners will be able to:
Recognize and follow teacher instructions
Answer “What’s this? ” question
Pronounce 90% of words on the topic “Transport” intelligibly
Previous learning
| Transport
| Planned timings
Planned activities
| Learners’ activities
| Resources
| Beginning
5 min
Organizational moment
Teacher greets learners;
Warming up
Teacher asks learners “How are you? ” to find out their mood at the beginning of the lesson; students choose one of the smiles they see on the slide, saying “I am happy/sad …. etc. ”
Learners watch a video and do the “Hockey pockey shake”:
You put one hand in,
You put one hand out…
| Pupils respond to greeting and take their places.
Pupils follow the instructions
PPP slide 3
Video 1
| Middle
20 min
| Introduction to new words:
- provide each student with a card with new words on the topic “Transport”
- give students a minute and ask them to look through the words and read them to themselves
- in a minute read words aloud and ask students to listen and repeat the words
- check students’ understanding of the new vocabulary meaning by showing them pictures.
Whole class activity
- introduce students to “What’s this? ” question – write this question on the board and model a couple of examples asking the question and pointing at pictures of transport for answer: What’s this? – This is a car. What’s this? – This is a bus.
- monitor students’ pronunciation via drilling exercise: students repeat first in chorus then individually.
- students working in pairs point to the pictures and ask questions: What’s this? – This is a car.
- ask students to write down the question and one answer into their copybooks as an example
- go around the class and check students’ progress, assist if necessary.
Pupils spend a couple of minutes and stick the cards into their copybooks.
Pupils answer the questions
Cards with words
| 10 minutes
Cut, stick, write
- provide each student with a worksheet for cutting out pictures of transport
- as soon as students finish cutting out all pictures ask them to stick those pictures into their copybooks in columns leaving space for further writing activity
- when students finish sticking all pictures into copybooks explain the next task – look at each picture and answer “What’s this? ” question in written form next to the picture (students should write This is a car. This is a bus. Etc. )
- if students do not manage to finish at the lesson give this task as a home assignment.
| Pupils follow the instructions
| Worksheets
| End
5 min
Ask students to look at lesson objectives they set at the beginning of the lesson and think and say (with teacher support) if and they achieved these objectives or working towards them: ask students if they can answer “What’s this? ” question.
Good bye, good bye, see you again!
Good bye, good bye, see you, my friends…
Pupils sing a good-bye song
PPP slide 2
https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Xcws7UWWDEs
| | | | | | | | |
LESSON 35: Unit 5 Travel
This is the way...
| School:
| Date:
| Teacher name:
Grade: 1
| Number present:
| absent:
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to
| 1. S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly
1. S5 produce words in response to basic prompts
1. UE9 use basic present simple forms [positive and negative] to give basic personal information
1. L2 recognise with considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly
Lesson objectives
| All learners will be able to:
Recognize simple greetings
Listen to the song
Recognize gestures
Most learners will be able to:
Demonstrate and name the actions
Some learners will be able to:
Give some information about themselves using covered verbs
Previous learning
| Getting to school
| Planned timings
Planned activities
| Learners’ activities
| Resources
| Beginning
10 min
Good morning children! I’m glad to see you! How are you?
Now, Boys and Girls come up to the blackboard and put a tick.
Warm up activity
Learners listen, perform gestures and sing along to the This is the way song.
Call the number: allow the children to walk, run or skip around the hall. The teacher calls a number for example, four. The children must form groups of four. Continue the game calling different numbers each time. Teacher may ask them to perform a balance or to perform a stretch after each whistle
Pupils listen and sing a song.
This is the way song
www. youtube. com/watch? v=poO40B4fPzg
| Middle
30 min
Introducing new material
Teacher demonstrates and drills action words related to getting ready for school in the morning
brush, wash, drink, pack etc.
Teachershow visuals and asks learners about how they do things, e. g. Do you brush your teeth this way or that way?

Teacherdemonstrates with a learner a short exchange with ‘Me too’ / ‘I don’t’ with above actions.
Each pair is given a set of cards showing actions done in different ways from previous activity.
Teacher points at the cards and students call out the vocabulary.
I brush my teeth.
I say ‘Goodbye’
I come home.
I wash my face.
I have breakfast.
I go to school.
I go to bed.
Reprise of the songThis is the way. Perhaps introduce other verses related to transport actions looked at in the opening section of the unit.
Pupils take turns to turn over a card and comment, e. g. I wash my face this way. The other learner responds, e. g. Me too or I don’t… I wash my face this way
Pupils follow the instructions
This is the way we go to school song http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=fsIb5L0_pGY
| End
- How do you feel now?
- Are you OK?
- Now, Boys and Girls come up to the blackboard once more and put a tick.
| | | | | | | | |
LESSON 36: Unit 5 Travel
Everyday routines
| School:
| Date:
| Teacher name:
Grade: 1
| Number present:
| absent:
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to
| 1. S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly
1. R3 recognise some very high frequency words from local environment
1. S5 produce words in response to basic prompts
1. UE9 use basic present simple forms [positive and negative] to give basic personal information
1. L2 recognise with considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly
Lesson objectives
| All learners will be able to:
Recognize simple greetings
Listen to the song
Recognize simple verbs of daily routines
Demonstrate and name the actions
Give some information about themselves using covered verbs
Previous learning
| Getting to school
| Planned timings
Planned activities
Learners’ activities
| Resources
| Beginning
5 min
Good morning children! I’m glad to see you! How are you?
Now, Boys and Girls come up to the blackboard and put a tick.
Learners listen, perform gestures and sing along to “This is the way” song.
Today we’re going to talk about your daily routine. What do you do every day?
Pupils listen and sing a song
This is the way we go to school song
http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=fsIb5L0_pGY
| Middle
30 min
Using vocabulary flashcards, Teacher models the vocabulary and have students repeat.
Teacher introduces the daily routines from the flashcards and drills correct pronunciation of each daily routine.
Teacher puts each flashcard on the blackboard and continues to review everything on the board and then add a new daily routine until everything has been introduced and drilled.
| Pupils play memory game to solidify the vocabulary.
| Teacher points at the cards and students call out the vocabulary.
I brush my teeth.
I say ‘Goodbye’
I come home.
I wash my face.
I have breakfast.
I go to school.
I go to bed.
Teacher gives out the worksheet with the table (give them a very limited amount of time to do this).
Teacher: We speak a lot today about all kinds of activities, and now I want you to speak about your working day, what you do. Please, let`s begin. Now, tell us what you do every day.
P 1: First I get up. Then I wash my face, brush my teeth. After that I have breakfast. Then I brush my hair. I say ‘Goodbye’ and go to school.
Some crossword makers have pictures so you don't need to use written descriptions, but certain could.
| Pupils follow the instructions
Pupils draw the daily routines below the expressions
Pupils talk about
daily routine
Follow up with a crossword for spelling or even short writing practice
| End
5 min
How do you feel now?
Are you OK?
Now, Boys and Girls come up to the blackboard and put a tick.
Pupils follow the instructions
| | | | | | | | |
LESSON 37: Unit 5 Travel
Where is it?
| School:
| Date:
| Teacher name:
Grade: 1
| Number present:
| absent:
Learning objectives
| 1. S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly
recognise with support simple greetings
1. L3 recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words
UE14use basic prepositions of location and position in next to on to describe where people and things are
Lesson objectives
| All learners will be able to:
Recognize the prepositions of place
Most learners will be able to:
Ask question: where is the..? & understand the question
Some learners will be able to:
use basic prepositions of location and position in next to on to to describe where people and things are
Previous learning
| Everyday routines
| Planned timings
Planned activities
| Learners’ activities
| Resources
| Beginning
5 min
| Warm up:
Stand in a circle.
Greet each other. Introduce your neighbor: he\she is….
Ask & answer the questions: What is your name? How old are you? How are you?
Revise the days of the week.
Teacher then says e. g. Today is Sunday? Learners give answer: Yes\No.
Pupils follow the instructions
Pupils sing a song.
| A ball
com/watch? v=eAl30 DrBuOA& feature = youtu. be
| Middle
30 min
| Teacherdemonstrates and drills basic prepositions of place: in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind using visuals at board.
Teacher demonstrates what learners have to do with a model sentence. Teacher then reads out each sentence. e. g. the cat is on the box repeating each sentence twice and learners agree or disagree. In feedback Teacher encourages learners to answer Yes, it is /No it isn`t.
Teachershows visuals and asks learners about where things are e. g. Where is the pen? The pen is on the table.
In pairs learners put their books on or under the desk & ask ”Where is the book? ”
Teacherdemonstrates and drills basic prepositions of place: in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind using visuals at board.
Teacher projects images which learners have to scan to identify a detail and answer Teacher’s question e. g. Where’s the cat? Learners shout out e. g. Under the table.
Where is the cat?
(I) Learners given worksheet and draw the correct option to Teacher’s descriptions. e. g. The ball is under a chair.
Teachernominates one learner per group for each round and gives Total Physical Response instructions for learners who start on chairs in front of the class to follow e. g. Stand behind your chair and put your pen on your chair. First learner completes each round’s instructions, wins a point for his/her team.
Learners are given a picture [picture A and picture B].
| Pupils listen, repeat & perform
Pupils sing a song In, on, under
Pupils answer
Pupils draw information in their picture according to the information they are given.
www. youtube. com/ watch? v= poO40B4fPzg
| 5 min
What prepositions did you remember?
Which prepositions were the most difficult?
Sing a goodbye song.
| | | | | | | | | |
LESSON 47: Unit 6 Traditions and folklore
Story time
| School:
| Date:
| Teacher name:
Grade: 1
| Number present:
| absent:
Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to
| 1. R3 recognise some very high frequency words from local environment
1. L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly
1. S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly
1. W2 form some lower case letters of regular size and shape
Lesson objectives
| Learners will be able to:
Understand and follow teacher’s instructions
Recognize familiar words
Pronounce words on the topic intelligibly
Previous learning
| Hats and masks
| Planned timings
Planned activities
| Learners’ activities
| Resources
| Beginning
10 min
Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.
Warming up
Teacher revises the days of the week and asks pupils “What day is it today? What day was yesterday? What day will be tomorrow? ”
Teacher asks pupils about the weather – “What is the weather like today? ”
Teacher nominates pupils to answer “How are you? ” question.
Pupils greet teacher
Each pupil describes his/her mood saying “I am... ”
Posters on the walls
| Middle
25 min
Introduce pupils the word “story” and check if they understand its meaning, if the word is new for the majority of pupils ask them to write it down into their copybooks with transcription and translation.
Inform pupils about the topic of the lesson “Story time” and introduce the name of the story – “Hansel and Gretel”.
Ask pupils if they’ve ever heard or read this story
Demonstrate a PPP with flashcards illustrating the story (witch, fire, hungry, etc. )
Read words for pupils and ask them to repeat the words in order to drill pronunciation.

There is a brother and a sister, Hansel and Gretel. Their father is a woodcutter. They are very poor. They have no money and they are hungry. Their stepmother and father take them into the forest. Hansel drops crumbs so they can find their way home. It gets dark and Gretel starts to cry.
They cannot find the crumbs because the birds have eaten them. They walk through the forest and see a house. They are hungry so they eat the walls of the house. The old woman comes out and tells them to come in. She is a witch. She locks up Hansel and tells Gretel to do all the work. She wants to eat Hansel. She gives him food to make him fat.
One day, she tells Gretel to make a fire in the oven to cook Hansel. Gretel says she cannot make the fire. The witch gets to the oven and Gretel pushes the witch into the oven.
Hansel and Gretel find gold in the witch’s house and they take the gold home to their mother and father. They are happy.
| Pupils introduce with the new words
Pupils repeat the words in order to drill pronunciation.
Pupils try to learn as many words from the story
| End
5 min
Ask pupils to think about a couple of things they have learned/remembered at the lesson and share their ideas with the class (with great teacher support)
| Lesson materials
| | | | | | | | |
LESSON 38: Unit 5 Travel
Рrepositions- on, in, under, next to, in front of, behind
| School:
| Date:
| Teacher name:
Grade: 1
| Number present:
| absent:
Learning objectives
| 1. S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly
1. L3 recognise with support simple greetings
recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words
1. UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position in next to on to to describe where people and things are
1. UE5 use interrogative pronouns which, what, where, how to ask basic questions
1. UE8 use simple imperative forms [positive] for basic commands or instructions
Lesson objectives
| All learners will be able to:
Recognize simple greetings
Recognize Teacher’s instructions
Most learners will be able to:
Listen & draw some information in their picture according to the information they are given
Some learners will be able to:
Ask Questions “Where’s the... ” without mistakes
Previous learning
Where is it?
| Planned timings
Planned activities
| Learners’ activities
| Resources
| Beginning
10 min
Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls!
Good morning, good morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear children!
I am glad to see you!
T: I’m glad to see you, too. How are you?
T: I’m fine too, thank you. Sit down, please.
Teacherdemonstrates and drills basic prepositions of place: next to, in front of, behind using visuals at board.
Teacher projects images which learners have to scan to identify a detail and answer Teacher’s question e. g. Where’s the …? Learners shout out e. g. Under the ….
| Pupils: Good morning, good morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear teacher!
We are glad to see you!
P-s: We’re fine, thanks and how are you?
Pupils answer the questions
| Middle
Introducing new material
Teachernominates one learner per group for each round and gives Total Physical Response instructions for learners who start on chairs in front of the class to follow e. g. Stand behind your chair and put your pen on your chair.
Learners are given a picture [picture A and picture B]. Learners ask e. g. Where’s the car? and draw information in their picture according to the information they are given.
First pupil completes each round’s instructions, wins a point for his/her team.
| 10mins
Draw the ball where you think…
1. The ball is ON the chair.
2. The ball is IN the box.
3. The ball is UNDER the desk.
| Worksheets
| End
5 stars - Green planet - I can do this.
4 stars - Yellow planet - I am getting there.
3 stars - Red planet - I need help.
I think you coped with the tasks perfectly.
- Let’s sing a “Good bye” song
Pupils put their rackets on one of the planet.
| | | | | | | | |
LESSON 41: Unit 5: Travel
The big red bus
| School:
| Date:
| Teacher name:
Grade: 1
| Number present:
| absent:
Learning objectives
| 1. L3 recognise with support simple greetings recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words
1. L5 begin to recognise the sound of phonemes and blends
1. S5 produce words in response to basic prompts
1. S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly
Lesson objectives
| All learners will be able to:
Recognize simple greetings
Recognize Teacher’s instructions
Most learners will be able to:
Listen to the songs
Stick the characters on the right place
Some learners will be able to:
Name most words from the story
Previous learning
| Рrepositions- on, in, under, next to, in front of, behind
| Planned timings
Planned activities
| Learners’ activities
| Resources
| Beginning
5 min
Warm up activity
Call the number: allow the children to walk, run or skip around the hall. The teacher calls a number for example, four. The children must form groups of four. Continue the game calling different numbers each time. Teacher may ask them to perform a balance or to perform a stretch after each whistle
Pupils follow the instructions
| Middle
30 min
| W) Use a big book or project images and tell the story of the bus. Repeat the story.
(G) In small groups, learners given an image of the bus and cut-outs of key characters. Check learners are familiar with all names.
(W) Share characters out among the group and then give instructions to colour/add detail to them.
| Pupils tell the story of the bus
Pupils given an image of the bus and cut-outs of key characters
Learners colour/add detail to them.
| http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=NAF_GjUmY8k
| (W) Teacher relates an event from the story and then asks a question: Where’s … now?
(G) Display the images of the bus in a sequence along a wall. Recount a part of the story and ask learners from one group stick the characters in the right place.
(W) (f) Retell the whole story with the class, prompting with the first word to elicit details.
(W) Learners listen and sing along to an animation of the song The wheels on the bus..
Physical training
Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips, Bend left, Bent right! One, two, three, jump, One, two, three, stop, Sit down!
Listening and putting objects on and colouring different parts of a getting to school transport scene card. Write number 10 on the bus. Colour the bike blue. Put the cat in the car.
Sing a song “Wheels on the bus”
| Pupils move the characters.
Pupils listen and sing along
Pupils do Physical training
Pupils follow the instructions
Pupils sing
http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=CaDZVbhMyBQ
| End
| Reflection Teacher gives her comments about students work and awards students.
| | | | | | | | |
LESSON 49: Unit 6 Traditions and folklore
ABC – Review
| School:
| Date:
| Teacher name:
Grade: 1
| Number present:
| absent:
Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to
| 1. L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of
classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly
1. L3 recognise with support common names and names of places recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words
1. UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position e. g. in, on, behind to describe where people and things are;
1. S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly
1. UE9 use common present simple positive forms, to give and identify basic personal information.
Assessment criteria
| Follow teacher’s instructions spoken slowly and distinctly;
Identify prepositions of place and nouns;
Pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly;
Use common present simple positive forms, to give and identify
basic personal information.
| 40 minutes
| Planned timings
Planned activities
| Learners’ activities
| Resources
| Beginning
5 min
Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.
Pupils greet teacher
| Middle
30 min
Revising the ABС (D, W, G)
Demonstration / Whole-class activity:
- inform students that they are going to watch the 1st 2 mins of the video about the ABC and ask them to repeat after the speaker
- demonstrate flash cards to students and ask them to name letters
Group work: (FA)
- split the class into 2 teams
- take two different sets of ABC flashcards and mix each of them; after provide each group with one set of cards
- set a time limit of 7 mins and explain the task - to try and put mixed letters in the correct order (from A to Z)
- monitor students’ progress and assist if necessary
- in 7 minutes ask groups to present their results
- groups feedback to peers’ presentations, identifying one good point and one area for improvement.
- play the song from the beginning of the lesson again in order to check if they did everything correctly as well as consolidate.
Look at the pictures and say what you can see.
Look at the pictures, listen and match.
During the assessment you can answer learners’ questions, regarding the instructions and the assessment duration. You should not spell, paraphrase or provide any information that could give the learner an advantage.
Pupils follow the instructions
Pupils look at the pictures and say what you can see
Pupils look at the pictures, listen and match.
| End
5 min
Teacher gives her comments about students work and awards students giving images of different smiles

Excellent Very well Good
| | | | | | | | |
LESSON 40: Unit 5: Travel
The big red bus
| School:
| Date:
| Teacher name:
Grade: 1
| Number present:
| absent:
Learning objectives
| 1. L3 recognise with support simple greetings recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words
1. S1 make basic personal statements and simple statements about objects
Lesson objectives
| Learners will be able to:
recognize simple greetings
sequence the characters in the story
name the characters and bus items in English
Previous learning
| Learners were introduced to new vocabulary for bus items in their English subject area class.
| Planned timings
Planned activities
| Learners’ activities
| Resources
| Beginning
5 min
Good morning?
Glad to see you.
How are you?
What is the day today?
What the weather like today?
| Pupils answer the questions
| Middle
20 min
§ Ask learners if they go by bus with anyone (friend, Mom and Dad).
§ Encourage them to describe the bus and whether they are ever squished.
§ Show learners the cover of the story and introduce the title, the author and the illustrator.
§ Ask learners if they think the book is real/non-fiction or pretend/fiction.
Pupils describe the bus and whether they are ever squished
Pupils follow the instructions
| Internet: e-book- The Wheels on the school bus by Mary-Alice Moore
§ Take the learners on a picture walk through the book.
§ Challenge the learners to look carefully at the pictures.
§ Point out to learners that on each page a new person gets into the bus. Say the English names of each item and have students repeat
§ Read the story using story props (the bus and all of the people) to tell the story.
§ Have the children sit in a circle and give each child a prop to hold.
§ Direct each learner with a prop to bring his prop to the middle of the circle at the appropriate time.
§ Make Predictions- Have learners
Learners stand in a circle, sing the song “The wheels on the bus” and move.
Pupils follow the instructions
Pupils make predictions about what they think will happen to all of the people in the bus.
Pupils stand in a circle and sing the song
| Copies of each character in the book
Worksheets with a blank house
http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v= NAF_GjUmY8k
| 10 min
Learners will color and cut out each character from the story and glue them in the bus in sequential order as the occurred in the story.
Together, in a choral response, learners will name the characters of the story in sequential order.
Recall other bus items.
Pupils color and cut out each character from the story and glue them in the bus
| Song “The wheels on the bus”
http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=CaDZVbhMyBQ
| End
5 min
Teacher gives her comments about students work and awards students.
| | | | | | | | |
LESSON 41: Unit 5 Travel
Unit revision
| School:
| Date:
| Teacher name:
Grade: 1
| Number present:
| absent:
Learning objectives
| 1. L1 recognize short basic instructions for a limited
range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly;
1. L5 recognize the letters;
1. UE5 use these prepositions of place: on, in, under.
Lesson objectives
| Learners will be able to:
Follow basic classroom instructions spoken slowly and distinctly;
Identify letters;
Draw the ball in the right place.
Previous learning
| The big red bus
| Planned
Planned activities
Learners’ activities
| Resources
| Beginning
5 min
T: – Hello, my dear friends! Today we are going to speak about the world around us. And of course, it will be a very interesting and magic lesson. We’ll move from one world to the other. What worlds will we visit?
| Pupils listen
Song: «hello, hello».
| Middle
20 minutes
Pair work
Teacher: Colour in and describe the pictures which you hear and see in the song.

Teacher: Now we are going to practice to say colours.
Repeat after me first:
The apple is red. The tree is green.
The ball is blue. The lemon is yellow.
The hat is black.
Say in English (transport)
Teacher shows the pictures or PPT of different means of transport and ask their translation:
bus, car, bike, tram, train
Prepositions of place
Teacher projects images which learners have to scan to identify a detail and answer Teacher’s question e. g. Where’s the cat? Learners shout out e. g. Under the table.
Where is the cat?

| Pupils count and draw the balls.
Pupils listen and answer
Pupils name the transport
Pupils answer the questions
| 15 minutes
Task 1. Listen to the teacher and put the number
in the boxes.
Task 2. Listen to the teacher and circle the correct picture.
Task 4. Listen to the teacher and draw the ball in the right place
| Pupils listen to the teacher and follow instructions.
Pupils listen to the teacher and circle the correct picture
| Worksheets
| End
5 min
There smiley faces are on the board. (happy and sad) T. suggests choosing any smiley face. Ss will choose one and put on their desks.

| Pupils choose one smiles and put on their desks.
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