


Случайная статья

A In a newsagent’s


1 Choose the correct options.

1 How much /  many calories are there in this meal?

2 I’d like any / some coffee.

3 How many / much tap water do you drink every day?

4 Can I have some / a few milk?

5 Have you got many / any cheese?

6 There are a few / a little tomatoes in the garden.

7 There isn’t any / some pasta in the cupboard.

8 Would you like some / much salad with your steak?

9 I usually steam some / any rice to eat with grilled fish.

10 Have you got any / not much cooking oil?


1 point for each correct answer  

2 Complete the sentences.

   some or any?

1 There are some biscuits on the table. Help yourself.

2 Is there ______ tea in the pot?

3 I haven’t seen ______ tropical fish swimming here.

4 We’d like ______ slices of mango for dessert.

   much or many?

5 How ______ tissues do you need?

6 There aren’t ______ people on the bus today!

7 The teacher didn’t give us too ______ homework.

8 Does she have ______ free time these days?

   a little, a few, a lot of?

9 She likes ______ milk in her coffee, but not much.

10 There are ______ people waiting on the platform – the train is going to be full!

11 It’ll take ______ minutes to download this software.


1 point for each correct answer  

3 Complete the sentences.

   no, any, some, or every?

1 The concert was a huge success. Every one cheered and clapped.

2 ______body likes getting bad news.

3 I’m bored. There’s ______thing to do.

4 ‘Sorry – did you say ______thing? ’ ‘No, ______thing. ’

5 We know ______one who is an important programmer at Microsoft.

6 I can’t find ______one to give me a lift home. I’ll have to get a taxi.

   thing, where, or one/body?

7 Are you going some______ nice for your holidays?

8 Can we meet later? I’ve got some______ important to tell you.

9 Did you buy any______ at the shops?

10 We’ll have to stay at this hotel as all the others are full. We looked every______!


1 point for each correct answer  

4 Complete the conversations with the words from the box.

a little something anyone everyone (x2)
somebody (x2) a few nobody anything
anywhere somewhere  

1 A I feel shy. I don’t know anyone here.

B Don’t worry – I’ll introduce you to ______! This is Lars and his wife Maria…

A Actually, ______ I know just walked in the door. Hello, Angela!

2 A Gerrald’s depressed. He thinks ______ likes him.

B That’s crazy – ______ thinks he’s a lovely person. And he’s got lots of friends.

A I know. But he needs ______ special to say that. You should tell him!

3 A Yuk! ______ in this pasta sauce tastes terrible!

B Please don’t say ______! Hassan spent ages cooking it. He’ll be so disappointed!

A OK, OK. I’m going to eat ______ just to be polite.

4 A I don’t like going on holiday.

B But this is our honeymoon! Isn’t there ______ you would like to visit?

A Well, if we really have to go ______, let’s go to the Maldives. We could spend ______ days there I suppose.


1 point for each correct answer  

5 Write a/an, the or – (nothing).

1 I’m going to have two desserts – an ice cream and ___ slice of carrot cake.

2 Did you know that there’s ___ restaurant in Thailand where all ___ waiters are robots?

3 You can get ___ best latte in Manhattan here!

4 ‘Can I have ___ glass of water, please? ’ ‘Of course. Would you like ___ still or sparkling? ’

5 What time are we having ___ lunch? I’m hungry.

6 Did you stay at ___ home in the holidays, or did you go away somewhere?

7 I usually go food shopping once ___week.


1 point for each correct answer  

6 Find one mistake in each sentence and correct it.

1 She goes to the work by train.

  She goes to work by train.

2 Can you give me recipe for this delicious soup?


3 I always drink an glass of apple juice at breakfast.


4 We live in south of England near the sea.


5 Did they come to work by a bus?


6 Do you ever use internet to do your food shopping?


7 I go on holiday three times the year.



1 point for each correct answer  


7 Match the sentences with a place. You can match some places with more than one sentence.

1 The check-outs are all so busy!

2 I need something for a headache.

3 I’m looking for a pair of black jeans.

4 Take two pills twice a day.

5 Fruit and vegetables are on aisle six.

6 These two wines are both great with chicken or fish.

7 One espresso and a slice of cake. Is that to eat here?

8 Sorry, there are no more copies of the Evening Standard.

9 You don’t look eighteen. Do you have ID?

10 I’m afraid these only come in blue.


Supermarket 1.

Clothes shop





1 point for each correct answer  

8 Match the quantities in the box with items 1–9.

a loaf a bottle a kilo a pair a slice a litre
a can a piece a packet

1 a loaf of bread       6 _______ of cake

2 _______ of petrol   7 _______ of sunglasses

3 _______ of potatoes 8 _______ of chewing gum

4 _______ of Coke    9 _______ of ham

5 _______ of water        


1 point for each correct answer  


9 Order the two conversations.

A In a newsagent’s

 1 Hello, have you got any copies of The Sun?

___ Thanks. How much is it?

___ Oh, and I’ll have a can of Coke, too.

___ OK. That’s 85p altogether.

___ Here you are.

___ Yes, it’s over there, next to The Daily Telegraph.

___ 35p.


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