Module 11. LOGISTICS. Variant A. Variant BСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Module 11. LOGISTICS I. Answer the questions using your own ideas: 1) How can you define the term " globalisation"? 2)What are the pros and cons of globalisation? 3) Why do you think so many people oppose it? 4) Do you think it would be a good idea if all barriers to trade were removed from the world and people could freely export and import without customs duties or any other problems? Why? 5) What facilities do the logistic infrastructure include? 6) What problems can arise while transporting goods from one country to another? 7) What documentation is needed to pass the state borders? 8) What do you know about smuggling on transport? Should smugglers be punished? How? 9) Do prices on goods depend on transportation costs? Are they always fair? 10) What means of transport do you use when you move from city to city, from country to country? What thigs do you take with you? Do you pay for you luggage and things? II. Give a short talk about logistics. Choose one variant A or B and use the plan: Variant A Describe your journey to another city or country that you have gone recently. You should say: · What means of transport you went by; · How much luggage you had; · How much money you paid for you luggage and say whether you find it cheap or expensive to travel far away, and why. Variant B Describe any delivery you have ordered recently. You should say: · What sort of goods you ordered; · How much money you paid in total and how much the delivery cost; · How much time it took the delivery company to deliver you the order and say whether you find it comfortable to order things to be delivered, and why. III. Train your pronunciation. Read the tongue twisters as fast as possible: 1) Whether the weather be fine, or whether the weather be not, whether the weather be cold, or whether the weather be hot. We'll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not! 2) Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs. 3) Cooks cook cupcakes quickly. 4) Green glass globes glow greenly. IV. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents, then choose 5 words and make up sentences with these words: