LLC «V Kontakte». CEO LLC «V Kontakte». To Krasnova Marianna Vladimirovna. Letter of Guarantee ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6
LLC «V Kontakte» CEO LLC «V Kontakte» To Krasnova Marianna Vladimirovna
From _____________________________ _______________________________
Letter of Guarantee Hereby, NAME OF ORGANIZATION, BIN guarantees that all products subject to certification and/or declaration have been appropriately certified, and certificates are valid upon the signing of this letter and the advertised products refer to hazard categories 1-3, which do not require obtaining a license. Business carried out by NAME OF ORGANIZATION does not violate the legislation of INSERT COUNTRY WHERE ADVERTISEMENTS ARE PLACED. Website or Community to advertise: INSERT AN URL. ________________________ ____________________ /_____________________ (Prepared on) (Signature) (Initials)
(Stamp of Approval)