Ex.1. Match the words and the picturesEx. 1. Match the words and the pictures
Mistletoe Light gleams Christmas Eve Christmas tree Dreams Great job! Now look at exercise 2. Can you put the words in the gaps below from ex 1?
Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with the words from ex. 1 1. Our ___________ will come true on Christmas Eve 2. I will decorate the door with the ____________________ 3. The room will look wonderful with these _____________, like in fairytale 4. Many people will go to the church on _________________ 5. We will buy an artificial ___________________ this year Ex. 3. While listening to the song fill in the gaps with the words from ex 1 and underline Future Simple Tense 6. " I'll Be Home For Christmas"
7. I'll be home I'll be home for Christmas _______________ will find me I'll be home I'll be home for Christmas _______________________ will find me I'll be home ________________ will find me 8. I'll be home for Christmas If only in my dreams
Look at some sentences from the song. 1. I'll be home for Christmas 2. To have snow and mistletoe 3. Presents on the tree Can you translate them? 1. На Рождество я останусь дома 2. Иметь снег и омелу 3. Подарки под ёлкой
What Christmas traditions do English people have? How do you think? Think a bit and do exercise 4. You have 2 minutes.