Chapter ElevenDeacon got a text from Brynna while Sabrina was in with her fourth patient of the morning. Deacon wasn’t going to leave his mate alone at the hospital, so he told Brynna he would stop by later to pick up the clothes she’d gotten for him. Paxton had returned after spending time with Julian and Lucy at the lab, but instead of shadowing Sabrina, the male had gone to see Jonathan since Deacon wasn’t going to leave his mate’s side. The elevator doors opened, and a wave of grief hit Deacon hard. When he saw who was walking down the hall, he understood. Priscilla was moving slowly toward him with Rafael and Kaya on either side. Both looked grim, but he wasn’t getting the same pain from them as he was the older human. They stopped in front of Deacon, and he pulled Priscilla into his arms. “Hey, Beautiful, ” he whispered against her gray hair. Sabrina stepped out of her patient’s room, pausing until he turned Priscilla loose. When Priscilla saw Sabrina, she choked back a sob. “Dr. Bailey, can’t you do something? Please? You have to save him. I can’t lose my brother. ” Priscilla’s body shook as the tears poured down her face. Deacon was doing his best not to cringe, but the woman’s pain was close to bringing him to his knees. “Let’s go somewhere and talk, ” Sabrina suggested. Priscilla allowed herself to be ushered into a small family room. Deacon remained in the hallway, while Rafael and Kaya went inside to support their housekeeper. Deacon closed the door to give them some privacy, but being Gargoyle, he had no trouble hearing Sabrina. He stood sentry, watching the four of them through the window. “Miss Holt, I know how much you love your brother, and I understand wanting him to be around longer, but have you stopped to think what he’s going through? At Jonathan’s age, the treatment he’s undergone has taken just as much a toll on his body as the disease itself. I talked to him at length about his decision. He’s tired, and he’s ready for the pain to go away, but he knows how badly this is hurting you, and it’s tearing him up inside. He’s not afraid to die, but he is afraid of how this will affect you when he does. ” “He’s been my whole life. Him and all my boys. ” Priscilla reached out for Rafael’s hand. “And you’ve been his. You’ve been his rock, Priscilla, and he needs you to continue doing that for him. He’s not strong enough to do it for both of you. ” Rafael slid an arm around Priscilla’s shoulders and kissed her on the temple. “If I’ve not said it enough, you and Jonathan have been the parents we all needed when ours left us. Kaya and I are going to need a mother’s love and guidance as we welcome Sebastian into the world. ” Deacon felt the second Priscilla’s heart shifted. The sharp pain in his head and chest eased. “I can be strong. Just give me a minute to get my face together, and then I want to see him. ” The four of them stood, and Sabrina handed the older woman a box of tissues. After blowing her nose and wiping her eyes, Priscilla stood taller than Deacon could remember. “I’m ready. ” Deacon opened the door for them and remained where he was standing as Rafael led Kaya and Priscilla into Jonathan’s room. He turned to Sabrina, who had her arms wrapped around her waist. Not caring who was watching, Deacon pulled her to his chest, offering what little support he could. “Thank you, ” he murmured against her hair. “For what? ” “Your words. No one else had the courage to tell Priscilla she was hurting Jonathan. ” “How do you know what I said? You were out here. ” “I have exceptional hearing. Now, do you want to go to the cafeteria for lunch? Or should I call and have something brought in? ” Deacon hoped the change of subject would be enough to keep Sabrina from questioning him. “I don’t know if I can eat right now. After the photo this morning and that conversation… I’m not…” “You need to keep your strength up. How about I order soup or a salad? Something light? ” “Okay, but can we go somewhere? I’d like to get out of the building for a while. ” “Anywhere you want to go. ” Deacon would take her to her favorite restaurant or on a long vacation if she asked it of him. “Anywhere? ” she asked, pulling away from his embrace. When she looked around and noticed another doctor staring at them, she frowned. “Let's go. ” Sabrina didn’t wait on Deacon to follow as she headed away from the man who was staring at Deacon. Deacon glanced down at the man’s badge, taking note of his name. Paul Blankenship was a handsome man. Almost as tall as Deacon but not as built. As he caught up with his mate, Deacon made a mental note to ask her about the doctor as well as having Julian run a thorough check on the man. As they stood waiting for the elevator, Deacon placed his hand on Sabrina’s back, rubbing small circles between her shoulders. He held his breath to see if she’d move away from him, but his heart warmed when she leaned in closer. Whether it was the mate pull or the need for comfort, he didn’t care. His female was getting used to his touch. Welcoming it. Once inside the elevator, Deacon asked, “Where would you like to go for lunch? ” “New Orleans, ” Sabrina deadpanned. “Okay, but we’ll need to stop and get my truck and some clothes. I don’t think your first time on the back of a bike should be a five-hundred-mile trip. I’ll also need to get a backrest for you. ” “Who says it’ll be my first time on a bike? ” The elevator doors opened, and Sabrina stepped out. When she noticed he wasn’t by her side, she turned around. “Deacon? ” “You’ve ridden with someone? ” He wanted to find out who with and kill the man. Well, kill was a strong word. Maybe just maim him so he couldn’t ride anymore. Sabrina grinned, and he realized she’d been goading him. “Not funny, ” he muttered, stepping out of the elevator. She hooked her arm through his. As they walked, she bumped his arm with her shoulder and laughed softly. Her demeanor changed when she noticed a man squatting down outside her office. Sabrina drew up short, and Deacon placed his free hand on the one she was using to hold his bicep. “It’s okay, Pretty Lady. ” Julian turned and smiled. “Hey, Brother. I was going to wait until later to do this, but I thought it best to get to it sooner rather than later. ” He stood from where he was installing a new security panel on Sabrina’s door. Julian fisted his heart and bowed his head slightly before holding out his hand to Sabrina. “It’s lovely to meet you. I’m Julian Stone. ” “Stone, as in Rafael and the benefactors to the hospital? ” When Julian nodded, she asked, “Why would you be working on the door? Don’t you have people for that? ” Julian laughed. “Yes, and I’m those people. ” He looked around before whispering, “I don’t trust your safety to just anyone. Let’s go inside your office. ” Julian punched in a six-digit code, and when it beeped, he opened the door, allowing Sabrina to enter first. When they were safely inside, he said, “I’ve been monitoring the security feed for the hospital. Whoever is getting in knows where all the cameras are and keeps his head covered. This guy is good, but I’m hoping we’ll get a match to the fingerprints we found on the photo. The new lock has a biometric scan as well as a six-digit code that I’ll show you how to change or add access to for others who you allow in your office. ” “Biometric? ” “Yes. It will only unlock with your fingerprint or anyone else’s you feel safe enough to allow access. ” “Wow, that’s… I don’t know what to say. ” “You don’t have to say anything other than tell me where you want to go for lunch, ” Deacon said. Sabrina grinned up at him. “I already told you – New Orleans. ” Julian said, “Hey, you should hit up Tessa. She’ll probably let you stay in her house in the Garden District while you’re there. I bet she can tell you the best places to eat, too. ” Sabrina gaped at Julian, and he asked, “What? ” “I was joking about lunch, but now that you’ve mentioned her, who’s Tessa? ” “My boss’s wife. She’s also Joseph’s niece. You’ve probably seen her around before. About your height, long red hair. Smart mouth. Anyway, if you’re serious about New Orleans, we’ll look at dates when we can both take some time off, and I’ll talk to her about staying in her house. ” Sabrina opened her mouth then closed it. Shaking her head, she said, “I only have another hour before my next patient, so let’s go get something to eat that doesn’t require a road trip. How about the little deli a couple blocks over? They have a wonderful roast beef sandwich. ” “I bet it isn’t as good as Deacon’s roast, ” Julian said. “You cook? ” Sabrina asked. “Don’t look so shocked. Yes, I cook. I’m a single male, and I learned to take care of myself a long time ago. ” “I’m sorry. You’re right, I shouldn’t assume anything. ” Sabrina shoved her hands in her smock pockets, looking at her feet. Deacon tipped her chin up. “I’m not mad, ” he assured her. When she smiled, he turned his attention to Julian. “Jules, you want something from the deli? ” “Do you mind if Kat and I tag along? She’s downstairs with Sophia for her checkup. ” Deacon looked to Sabrina, his eyebrows raised in question. “Katherine is Julian’s wife, and Sophia is their sister-in-law as well as Joseph’s granddaughter. ” “I have no problem with that. What about the lock? ” Julian clapped his hands together. “I’ll work on the biometrics when we get back. For now, the code will suffice. ” Deacon helped Sabrina remove her lab coat and hung it on the hook by the door while she grabbed her purse. Deacon and Sabrina headed on to the deli to save seats while Julian headed over to the other wing to walk with Kat. As they were walking, Sabrina said, “It’s nice to see all the people in your circle. ” “Yeah? Do you have a circle? ” Deacon asked as he threaded their fingers together. The farther away from the hospital he got, the lighter his soul. There were plenty of people milling about on the sidewalk, but no one was dealing with the same types of trauma he encountered in the hospital. “Not really. I have three siblings. I talk to my sister every once in a while. She’s still in New Chicago, where I’m from. My brother Terrence lives in California, and we might speak on Christmas and birthdays. My youngest brother Jerrick joined the military, and none of us have spoken to him in years. I don’t even know if he’s still alive or not. ” “Do you want me to have Julian look for him? ” “Julian? I thought he was a securities guy. ” “He is, which means he has access to databases even the cops don’t. Please keep that little tidbit to yourself, though. ” “Is what he does illegal? ” Sabrina glanced up at Deacon as they stopped for a red light. “No. Julian Stone is one of the most honorable males you’ll ever meet. I won’t say he’s never broken the law, because he did when Katherine was falsely accused of selling US secrets and sent to a maximum-security facility in Texas. ” “I remember reading about her. She was that reporter, right? ” “Yes. Long story short, Julian found out where the Feds were keeping her, and he, Tessa, and Tessa’s brother, Tamian, broke her out. Jules hid her away while he worked to prove her innocence. ” “Wow. That’s some story. I’d love to hear the long version someday. ” “Hang around, and I’m sure you will. Here we are, ” Deacon said and opened the door for Sabrina. The deli was large, and the smells had Deacon’s stomach rumbling. As they waited in line for the hostess to seat them, his phone pinged. He checked the message to see Julian letting him know both Sophia and Nik would be joining them. When the hostess asked how many, Deacon replied, “Six. The others are coming down the street now. ” Deacon pulled out Sabrina’s chair, and when she was seated, she asked, “Six? Who else is joining us? ” “Julian’s brother Nikolas was with Sophia at her appointment, and they wanted to join us. I hope that’s okay. They can be a little much when they’re together. Most of the time, they’re well-behaved, but sometimes they act like teenagers instead of adults. ” Sabrina’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. “I wish my brothers could have been that way. ” Before Deacon could ask Sabrina to explain, the others came in the door. All four of them were smiling like it was Christmas morning. The love and joy radiating from the group overrode all other emotions Deacon was picking up from those eating around him. “I’m gonna be a dad! ” Julian yelled, picking Kat up and swinging her legs back and forth. Everyone in the deli clapped and some offered congratulations. The four of them sat down, and Deacon made the introductions. Sabrina sat quietly as Sophia, who was six-months pregnant, gushed to Katherine about how great expecting a child was. He didn’t know his mate well, but he could read her body language, and it told Deacon she wasn’t as excited about the conversation as the other two females. Maybe it was because she was new to their group, but Deacon felt it was something deeper. Maybe she’d lost a baby at some point? Or it was possible she couldn’t conceive? There were too many things he didn’t know about his mate, but he vowed to start finding out all about her after their date. As if sensing Sabrina’s unease, Sophia and Kat turned the conversation away from babies and asked Sabrina questions about her and what it was like being a doctor. When Sophia mentioned her grandfather, Sabrina perked up. It seemed Joseph Mooneyham, a. k. a. Jonas Montague, was one of her favorite people, and she enjoyed hearing about him from someone who knew him well. It had taken Deacon a while to reconcile the young-looking Gargoyle with the older looking doctor. The prosthetic Jonas wore was something of his own making. He’d passed his secret along to a makeup artist in Hollywood many years prior, so all the masks used in the movies had been invented first by Jonas. Deacon couldn’t wait to tell Sabrina all about her boss. The real man behind the mask. He was ready for her to get to know Deacon as well as all the other Goyles. Seeing her at the table with Julian, Nikolas, and their mates, he wanted to have that same level of love and commitment they had. He wanted to celebrate with his family the small things as well as the big. Like babies. No, he still didn’t want kids, but he could celebrate when the others had them. The hour came to an end too quickly, and Sabrina was given hugs by the women as they left with Nikolas. Deacon and Julian walked Sabrina back to the hospital, with Julian telling anyone who would listen about his impending fatherhood. Deacon shook his head at the male, and Sabrina laughed at his antics. Deacon couldn’t blame him for being happy. If Deacon didn’t have his empathic abilities, he would probably want a houseful of kids. And depending on what Sabrina wanted, he might still get them. Instead of worrying about that far into the future, he laced their fingers together and enjoyed getting to know his mate.