DIVORCE CERTIFICATE⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 22 из 22
This translation accurately reflects the original document. 10. 04. 2014. (coat of arms of the Russian Federation) DIVORCE CERTIFICATE
Marriage between Petrov Inav Sergeevich
Date of Birth September 15, 1982
Place of Birth Tambov
And Petrova Olga Semenovna
Nationality citizen of Russia
Date of Birth May 19, 1985
Place of Birth Tambov
terminated on August 13, 2008 (Thirteen of August of two thousand eight)
Under Authority of the judgment of dissolution of marriage by Court of Central district of city Tambov
on August 13, 2008
entry № 56 recorded in the Registry of Divorcing
Upon divorce, the parties assumed surnames as follows:
His Petrov
State registration place Department of Registry Office
The Certificate was issued to Petrov Inav Sergeevich
Date of Issue September 04, 2008
Head of the department of acts of civil status (signature) V. A. Ivanov
(A round stamp with the coat of arms of the Russian Federation and the following text: “Аdministration of city Tambov Tambov region. Russia. The department of acts of civil status”)
II-ТХ №9850714