European Solidarity Corps. PART 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION. Your data. Emergency contact person. PART 2. CURRICULUM VITAE. Please describe briefly characteristics of your personality. Present situation. Volunteering experience. Experiences in international cСтр 1 из 6Следующая ⇒
European Solidarity Corps Volunteering
Application for “Schuman Solidarity Crew vol. 2” project held in 2020/2021
Present situation
Volunteering experience Have you ever participated in EVS, Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps volunteering? [ ] No [ ] Yes (If yes, when?, for how long?, what kind of activities you took part during your volunteering project) Remember that if you were in EVS, Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps volunteering for more than 2 months you can’t apply for a European Solidarity Corps project.
If you have any other volunteering experience, please specify in what organizations and when did you do the volunteer work, what type of work was it and what responsibilities did you have and what did you learn?
Experiences in international contexts (abroad, with people from other countries or cultures).
Language skills