EXERCISES ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words and word-comb inat ions: a) detective, criminology, pawnbroker, belie, volume, within, counter, gagged, repute, powerful, jewellery, valise, casual, actually, appointment, thief, solution, knob, sign б) 'djuidiQ 'гвепч^бэ 'Jop; its 'saiz waz ri'pju: tid; 'glanst in'said; ' дэ '0i: f; < 3э 'Qeft; 'ju: zdwSiwai'di3; tuk дэ 'sam
Exercise 2. Drills: a) Read and repeat; b) Use the structures in sentences of your own: 1. What I can't understand is why he was so casual. What he can't imagine is where she keeps her jewellery. What I don't know is what happened during my absence. What seems very strange is why he didn't leave his address. What surprises me greatly is how he managed to get into the shop. What astonishes me most is how he managed to get the job. What I can’t expect is why he didn’t phone. What I don’t know is how he made up his mind to do such a terrible thing. What surprises me strongly is how he wormed himself into her company. What makes me crazy is why he never keeps his promises. What I can’t imagine is how she was late at the meeting. What seems very amazing is how she became a teacher. What he can’t suppose is what she was doing at home. What strikes me most is why he didn’t visit her. What seems very unnatural is why she never says ‘good bye’.
2. He was casual as if he were not afraid. She was so pale as if she were frightened to death. He spoke almost in a whisper as if he didn't want to attract attention. She moved slowly as if she were tired out. She spoke loud as if she didn’t know that John was asleep. They put on so many clothes as if they were going to the North Pole. She sang a song as if she didn’t feel trouble. He explained that subject so well as if he were a psychologist. You ate so fast as if you didn’t want to stay with me. She lounged about as if she had nothing to do. He called upon her so often as if he fell in love with her. They prepared their homework as if English were the favourite subject. He shook hands with him as if they were old friends. She reproached him as if he were her younger brother.
3. From what you tell me, the theft was committed by Otis. From what we hear, he is a very clever detective. From what I saw, he doesn't like to be disturbed. From what I read, it's the most ingenious crime committed. From what I know, the idea has never been used before. From what I know, fir-trees are evergreen. From what he heard, the place was haunted. From what we saw, he was a very talented person. From what we hear, they have won the competition. From what I heard, the minister retired. From what you tell, the project is declined. From what I see, she has passed her exam with an excellent mark. From what I heard, John was on the run. From what we know, she became a teacher. From what they saw, he won the prize.
Exercise 3. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by words and phrases from the text: 1. Judith managed the shop quite alone. 2. The criminal had tied Judith's hands and feet and had put a big handkerchief into her mouth. 3. No one came to the pawnbroker's shop between one and two. 4. The man put the best rings, bracelets, etc. into a small leather bag. 5. He didn't seem nervous or afraid of anything. 6. The Detective supposed that Conory Otis had stolen the jewellery. Exercise 4. Find in the text (or notes) English equivalents for the following and use them in sentences of your own: кража; вор; совершить кражу (преступление); криминология; связать и заткнуть рот; ломбард;, заложить; выкупить; прилавок; вести дело; назначить встречу; покончить жизнь самоубийством; совершенно одна; лучшие драгоценности; ручной саквояж; фактически; непринужденный (небрежный); однако (тем не менее); потревожить; 6 часов вечера (утра)
Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences: 1. After talking to me, he …. 2. After hanging the sign on the door knob, the man... . 3. After binding and gagging Judith, the thief.... 4. On closing the door, he... . 5. On leaving the pawnbroker's shop, the Detective... .
Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs: When the Detective was passing ______ the pawnbroker's shop his attention was attracted ______ a sign ______ the door knob, " ______ ______ lunch, back ______ 2 p. m. " This seemed strange ______ him, as he knew ______ certain that Judith always had appointments ______ one and two o'clock. Besides people often dropped ______ her shop ______ their way ______ the lunchroom next door. " I'll drop ______ ______ later, " he said ______ himself. ______ a quarter ______ an hour he was back ______ the shop. The sign was gone but there didn't seem to be anyone ______ the shop. " I'll step ______ and find ______ what is going ______ here, " the Detective thought. ______ the moment he swung the door open he noticed something stirring ______ the counter.
Exercise 7. Answer the following questions: 1. What class did Professor Murray teach? 2. Who was passing by a pawnbroker's shop one afternoon? 3. What was Detective Shea passing by? 4. What did Judith Karson own and operate? 5. Did Judith have any assistants or did she run the shop all by herself? 6. Did the size of the shop give a true idea of the volume of its business? 7. Where did Detective Shea find Judith when he stepped into the shop? What did Judith do after being untied? 8. When did a tall dark man enter the shop? 9. What did the man produce? What did he do to Judith? 10. Did the man take all the choicest jewellery or only some of it? 11. Where did he place the jewellery and the money? 12. What could Judith not understand? 13. Was the man in a hurry? Did he seem nervous or was he casual about it all? 14. How did the man behave? 15. Why did Judith expect people to come between one and two o'clock? 16. Who did she have appointments with? 17. Did these three people keep their appointments or did they fail to show up? 18. How long did the thief stay in the shop? 19. What did Detective Shea conclude from what Judith told him? 20. Who was the theft probably committed by? 21. What made the Detective think the theft had been committed by Conroy Otis? 22. Where had the thief hung a sign? 23. What sign had he hung? 24. What did he do with the sign on leaving?
Exercise 8. Retell the story using the following words: pawnbroker's shop; to run a shop; all by herself; to glance inside; behind a counter; . gagged; powerful man; to produce a gun; the choicest jewellery; small valise; casual; as if he were; actually; to have appointments; yet; to show up; thief; theft; to be disturbed; to hang a sign; on leaving
Exercise 9. Combine each of these pairs of sentences as in the example: a) He found Judith behind the counter. She was bound and gagged. b) He found Judith behind the counter, bound, and gagged. 1. The man saw a parcel on the table. It was wrapped in blue paper. 2. She stooped to pick up the flower. It was crushed by a heavy shoe. 3. There was a blue fence round the garden. It was painted by the landlord himself. 4. She found a small leather case in the bedroom. It was locked by mother. 5. The traveller arrived at an old country inn. It was owned by Mr. Jacobs. 6. Mary wore a pretty pink gown. It was made by her elder sister.
Exercise 10. Translate into English paying attention to the active vocabulary: 1. Чего я не могу понять, так это почему он так неожиданно уехал. 2. Чего я не знаю, так это когда он бывает дома. 3. Что меня поражает, так это каким образом он туда попал. 4. Что мне непонятно, так это почему там никого не было.
1. Она отвечала спокойно, как будто она не волновалась. 2. Она вся дрожала (to tremble all over), как будто она чего-то боялась. 3. Он был так бледен, как будто он был болен. 4. Он улыбался, как будто думал о чем-то приятном.
1. Открыв дверь, он тихо вышел из дома. 2. Прочитав объявление, он тотчас же пошел в магазин. 3. Показав деньги, он положил их обратно в карман. 4. Заперев ящик (drawer), он положил ключ в карман.
Exercise 11. Translate into English paying attention to the active vocabulary: 1. В этой квартире сегодня произошла кража. Вору удалось скрыться с места преступления. 2. Криминология – юридическая научная дисциплина, занимающаяся изучением причин преступности и способов борьбы с нею. 3. Заложницу связали и заткнули ей рот. За ее выкуп потребовали 1000 долларов. 4. Поскольку она была совершенно одна, Кет чувствовала себя очень одинокой. Она не видела другого выхода, как только одного – покончить жизнь самоубийством. 5. Он ведет себя довольно непринужденно в данной обстановке. Он даже посмел назначить мне встречу. 6. Я не хотел бы Вас тревожить на работе. Можно я позвоню вам в 6 часов вечера. 7. Он отдал ей самые лучшие драгоценности, которые только были у него. Тем не менее, он не смог изменить положения. 8. Они заложили сундук в ломбард, чтобы его никто не смог найти. 9. У него был ручной саквояж, поэтому книгу он взял с собой. 10. Теоретически выполнить такое задание, конечно, возможно, но фактически оно не осуществимо, поскольку у нас совсем нет времени. 11. Прости, что потревожил тебя столь рано, но у меня срочное дело. 12. Он бывает дома обычно в 6 часов, так что вы можете позвонить после этого времени.
Exercise 12. Translate into English paying attention to the active vocabulary: 1. Дом, где была назначена встреча, обокрали. 2. За прилавком никого не было – продавец убежал. 3. Наш профессор рассказывал на своем занятии по криминологии о сыщиках. 4. Владелец магазина был найден за прилавком, связанный и с кляпом во рту. 5. Она отнесла в ломбард лучшие драгоценности. 6. Он заложил золотое кольцо в ломбарде, но собирался выкупить его позже. 7. Я управлял магазином совершенно один. 8. Мы назначили здесь встречу одному человеку. 9. Ему даже приходила мысль покончить жизнь самоубийством. 10. Они здесь фактически с 6 часов утра. 11. Вас кто-нибудь потревожил? 12. Однако он вёл дело совершенно один. 13. У него была небольшая сумка с лучшими драгоценностями. 14. Я не могу понять, почему он был так спокоен.
Exercise 13. Translate into English paying attention to the active vocabulary: 1. По дороге домой мудрый герой был охвачен страхом, когда увидел, что вор совершил преступление и украл ручной саквояж. 2. Если бы ты был на моем месте, ты бы взял все лучшие драгоценности и отнес их в ломбард. 3. Изобретательный мясник стоял за прилавком в полном одиночестве. 4. Вор околачивался около ломбарда, подслушивая, какие встречи назначает его доверчивый владелец. 5. Скептическая коза пронзительно закричала, когда ее связали и заткнули ей рот. 6. Благоразумный вор рыдал о совершенных им преступлениях, но отказался от идеи покончить жизнь самоубийством. 7. Криминология решит вопрос о том, кто перерезал горло невинной сове, т. е. о причинах ее смерти. 8. Дело в том, что в детективных романах мудрый следователь обычно самостоятельно находит изобретательного преступника, совершившего кражу безлунной ночью. 9. Тем не менее, встречу назначили на 5 часов утра. 10. Совершив кражу, вор тихо постучал в дверь и сказал, что веселиться бесполезно.
Exercise 14. Topics for discussion: 1. What can be said about Detective Shea's methods of investigation? 2. What faculties must a good detective possess? 3. What security measures should be taken to prevent crime? 4. Добавить темы из FCE, где говориться о преступлениях!!!
Exercise 15. Complete the sentences using either the Past Continuous or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets: 1. When Jane came in everybody ______ (stop talking). 2. She met her husband while she ______ (travel in Spain). 3. When I walked in all they ______ (talk about the new exhibition). 4. While he was talking to Mss Smith somebody ______ (walk into his office and steal the computer). 5. This time yesterday I ______ (walk in the park). 6. He ______ (break his finger) while he was playing basketball. 7. I looked out of the window and saw that we ______ (fly over the Alps). 8. I went to see how she was and found she ______ (cry). Exercise 16. Translate the sentences explaining the use of the Past Continuous: 1. Mrs Corney made her way[1] crossly to the sick woman's room. It was very cold, and except for the bed there was not much furniture. A little light was burning at one end, and another old woman was watching by the bed. A young man from the chemist's shop was standing by the fire. He greeted Mrs Corney as she entered. 2. In a terrible state of doubt, Nancy walked slowly out of the police station. Then, when she was sure nobody was looking, she ran straight back to Fagin's house. 3. Oliver cried for a few minutes, and was just beginning to speak when somebody knocked at the door. Mrs Bedwin came upstairs and said that it was Mr Grimwig. 4. Meanwhile Fagin was sitting anxiously in his dark, smoky room. At a table behind him Dodger, Charlie and Chitling were playing cards. The doorbell rang and Dodger answered it. Toby Crackit entered the room. 5. They took the train at Westland Row and in a few seconds, as it seemed to Jimmy, they were walking out of Kingstown Station. The ticket-collector saluted Jimmy; he was an old man: " Fine night, sir! " 6. He was just going to try to run away when he saw an old house. Sikes opened the door and led Oliver in. 7. The other men played game after game. They drank the health of the Queen of Hearts and of the Queen of Diamonds. Jimmy did not know exactly who was winning but he knew that he was losing. Exercise 17. Put the verb into the correct form (the Past Simple or the Past Continuous): 1. One morning while Rose (sit) at the table, Harry Maylie (enter) the room. 2. A little later when I (prepare) to go to my teacher my mother (call) me. 3. While they (have) a drink, the doctor (leave) the room withoutanyone noticing. 4. I (not see) him for several days after that, but one evening, when I (sit) in the cafè he (come up) and (sit) beside me. 5. The old man (pick up) a book. While he (look) at it Dodger (put) his hand into the old gentleman's pocket and (take) out a handkerchief. 6. When day came I (begin) to suffer from thirst and hunger. The sun (shine) brightly and I could not hide from it. Suddenly I (hear) the cry of a bird and (see) land. 7. One evening when I (return) home I (meet) a young girl who was coming out of our garden gate. A thick veil (cover) her face, but I (notice) that she (weep) bitterly.
Exercise 18. Translate the sentences into English: 1. Мы должны начать с того, как алмаз впервые стал собственностью моего дяди, когда он служил в Индии 50 лет назад. 2. На следующее утро Оливер проснулся рано. В комнате кроме Фэгина никого не было. Он варил кофе к завтраку. Фэгин повернулся к Оливеру и заговорил с ним, но мальчик не ответил и притворился, что он все еще спит. 2. В субботу утром я напомнил своему дяде, что хочу вечером пойти на базар. Он искал щетку в прихожей и ответил мне коротко: «Да, малыш, я знаю». 4. Мисс Паркер вернулась к своей машинке и сказала мужчине, который сидел за столом и писал: «Мистер Аллин просит вас к себе в кабинет». Он встал из-за стола, откинул створку, как и прежде, и вышел из офиса. Когда он выходил, главный клерк вопросительно взглянул на него. 5. Добравшись до Стивенс Грин, они перешли дорогу. «А вот и она! » — сказал Корли. На углу Хьюм Стрит стояла молодая женщина. Она была одета в голубое платье и белую матросскую шапочку. 6. Оливер заснул на полу, а когда проснулся, свеча все еще горела. 7. Они все наскоро перекусили, Нэнси дала Оливеру платок повязать вокруг шеи. Он надел пальто, и Сайкс повел его за руку. На улице было темно, лил проливной дождь и дул сильный ветер. 8. Они молча поднялись по лестнице и уже собирались войти в маленькую комнату, когда Манкс вдруг остановился. 9. Она приходила в офис часто и оставалась подолгу. Сейчас она сидела у его стола, источая аромат духов, и полировала ручку зонтика. 10. На углу Дьюк Стрит Хиггинс и Флинн повернули влево, а остальные трое пошли обратно по направлению к центру. Дождь моросил по холодным улицам, и когда они дошли до Балласт Офис, Фарингтон предложил зайти в Скотч Хаус. В баре было полно народу и очень шумно от голосов и звона бокалов.
Exercise 19. Translate into English, using the Past Continuous or the Past Indefinite: 1. Когда я вошел в зал, студенты все еще обсуждали первый доклад. 2. Поезд приближался к станции; друзья стояли у окон и махали шляпами. По перрону бежали дети с цветами. 3. Пассажиры так и не увидели озеро Лох Несс. Когда поезд проезжал мимо, была ночь. 4. Охотники замолчали. Красивый олень медленно приближался к ним. 5. Вдруг, когда уже не оставалось никакой надежды на спасение, люди на тонущем корабле увидели дым на горизонте. Какой-то пароход направлялся к ним на помощь. 6. Поезд набирал скорость, когда он вскочил в вагон. 7. Я разговаривал с Парижем по телефону в течение 10 минут. Но каждую минуту что-то случалось: то кричали какие-то голоса, то что-то свистело в трубке. 8. Секретарь печатала доклад, когда вошла начальница и положила на стол еще какие-то бумаги. 9. Иванов писал свою знаменитую картину " Явление Христа народу" двадцать лет. 10. Пока директор вел деловую беседу с представителями иностранных фирм, секретарь сортировала утреннюю почту. 11. В то время как он пробирался сквозь толпу, он услышал, как кто-то окликнул его. 12. Мы вышли на привокзальную площадь. Толпы народа спешили на вокзал и с вокзала; сновали носильщики с тяжелыми чемоданами, подъезжали и отъезжали машины, кто-то покупал цветы. К нам подошел шофер такси и спросил, куда нам ехать.
Exercise 20. Change the following sentences into indirect speech: 1. The professor asked his assistant! " What are you doing in the laboratory at such a late hour? " The assistant answered: " I am carrying out an experiment. I want to see its results for myself. " 2. He said: " Are you leaving the town tonight? I should like to see you to the station. " 3. The nurse said to the patients on the verandah: " A cold breeze is coming from the sea, so you will have to go into your wards. " 4. A man asked over the telephone: " Am I speaking to Martin? " 5. He said, entering the room: " Are you having a rest? I don't want to disturb you, but I have a very interesting article here which I am dying to read to you. "
Exercise 21. Translate into English, making them the logical continuation of the English sentences: 1. We shall be playing chess in half an hour. — А они будут играть в шашки. 2. What will you be doing when I come? — Я буду, очевидно, писать доклад. 3. What will the coach be doing at this time to-morrow? — Он будет тренировать юношескую команду. 4. I shall be listening to one of my favourite symphonies at 8 o'clock to-morrow. — А я буду в это время писать доклад о творчестве Шелли. 5. To-morrow at this time we shall be taking leave of each other at the station. — Вы вдвоем поедете на север, чтобы в Мурманске присоединиться к своей экспедиции, а я поеду на Урал.
Exercise 22. Join the following pairs of sentences with if, when or while: 1. You will be packing our things. I shall be making arrangements over the telephone. 2. We shall come at 12 o'clock. They will be rehearsing the second act. 3. You will ring up at 3 o'clock. I am afraid I shall be having a long-distance call and the line will be engaged. 4. The German students will be having their oral test. The English students will be writing their examination paper. 5. The ward doctors will be examining their patients. The professor will make his daily round.
Exercise 23. Translate the following, using the Future Continuous where possible: 1. Завтра в это время вы будете пересекать Ла-Манш, если погода будет благоприятной. 2. Вы увидите, какое незабываемое впечатление производит город, когда вы будете приближаться к нему со стороны моря. 3. Вот увидите, через минуту он вам будет рассказывать о своей встрече с чемпионом. 4. Когда мы придем домой, мать еще будет готовить обед, и нам придется подождать. 5. Если вы хотите застать их, вы должны поторопиться, иначе, боюсь, вы придете в тот момент, когда они будут уходить. 6. Мы посидим в фойе, пока актеры будут репетировать последнюю сцену. 7. Теперь я буду заходить к вам чаще. У меня будет больше свободного времени. 8. Спускайтесь, я вас сейчас догоню. 9. Ровно в 5 часов утра многие астрономы и любители будут наблюдать солнечное затмение. 10. Не звоните мне от 3-х до 5-ти: я буду работать в лаборатории. Exercise 24. Change the following sentences from direct into indirect speech: 1. He said: " It is haymaking time; and if you go to the collective farm tomorrow, the farmers will be working in the fields. " 2. She said to me: " Go to the post office now, as in half an hour they will be having a break and will be closing down for dinner. " 3. The secretary said: " Go to the director and hand in your application now, as in some 15 minutes, when he is having visitors, you won't be able to speak to him. " 4. The typist said: " I am sure I shall be still typing your report if you come in an hour. Better come, say, in an hour and a half. " 5. The young man said over the telephone: " I have got two tickets for tonight's performance; if you take a taxi, you will be here in no time. I shall be waiting at the entrance. " 6. The instructor said: " At this time tomorrow the first group of tourists will be coming to our camp. " 7. She asked: " Will you still be discussing my proposal if I come in half an hour? " Exercise 25. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Continuous tense forms where necessary: 1. " Hush, " (to say) Amelia when Dobbin (to enter) the room. His boots (to creak) and he (can) wake up little Georgy. In his arms he (to carry) a cargo of toys and (cannot) take Amelia's outstretched hand before he (to free) himself of the cargo. " I (to be) here to say good-bye, Amelia, " (to say) Dobbin. " To-morrow at this time I (to sail) across the Channel. " Soon Dobbin's carriage (to run) along the drive, but Amelia (not to hear) the noise of the wheels. She (to look) at her sleeping son, who (to smile) in his sleep. 2. Lanny (to walk) along the road in the moonlight when Celia (to overtake) him. They (to start) running. Now she (to get) her second wind. Celia (to remember) the evening when they (to run) thus together for the last time to catch the last bus. And now they (to run) together for the last time to catch the train that (to take) her out of his life for ever. " The train (to pass) the station in half an hour, " Lanny (to say). Exercise 26. Translate into English, using the Continuous tense forms: 1. Анна стояла на платформе. Мимо нее пробегали занесенные снегом люди, кричали разные голоса. Она уже хотела вернуться в вагон, но какой-то человек стал на ее пути. Она тотчас узнала Вронского. «Я не знала, что вы едете. Зачем вы едете? » — «Зачем я еду? » — повторил он, глядя ей прямо в глаза. — «Вы знаете, я еду для того, чтобы быть там, где вы. Я буду следовать за вами везде, я не могу иначе». 2. Миссис Чивли не просила, она ставила условия. «Завтра в это время я или буду слушать в парламенте вашу речь в пользу аргентинского канала, или весь свет будет знать, что вы из себя представляете». 3. На крыльце сидела девочка лет девяти и сосредоточенно смотрела прямо перед собой. Она, казалось, не замечала, что ее маленький брат, который лежал рядом на ступеньке, громко кричал. По улице по направлению к дому ехала карета, которая и привлекла внимание девочки.
Exercise 27. Insert the preposition where it is necessary: Madame Merle smiled straight ______ her host. ‘It’s less characteristic than your comment ______ it – which is perfectly insincere. I don’t, however make a crime ______ that, ’ she added, ‘because if you don’t believe what you say there’s no reason why you should. I don’t ruin myself ______ my friends. I don’t deserve your praise. I care greatly ______ myself. Her father’s step sounded again ______ the antechamber, and Madame Merle got ______, releasing ______ the child. Mr. Osmond came ______ and closed the door; then, ______ looking ______ Madame Merle, he pushed one or two chairs back ______ their places. His visitor waited a moment ______ him to speak, watching him, as he moved ______. The ______ last she said: ‘I hoped you’d have come ______ Rome. I thought it possible you’d have wished yourself to fetch Pansy ______. (Henry James)
Exercise 28. Insert the preposition where it is necessary: If you know anything ______ the fashionable world you have heard ______ the three beautiful Miss Herncastles. Miss Julia was the youngest and the best of the sisters, ______ my opinion. I went ______ the service of the old lord, their father, as pageboy of the three young ladies ______ the age of fifteen. There I lived till Miss Julia married the late Sir John Verinder. An excellent man, who only wanted somebody to manage him and, between ourselves, he found somebody to do it; and what is more, it did him good[2] and he lived happily and died easily. I have forgotten to say that I went ______ the bride to her husband's house and lands ______ here. " Sir John. " she said, " I can't do without Gabriel Betteredge. " " My lady, " said Sir John, " I can't do ______ him either. " That was how I went ______ his service. It was all the same to me where I went, so long as my mistress and I were together. I was put ______ the bailiff. Some years later I got his place. Well, there I lived, placed ______ a position ______ honour, ______ a little cottage of my own to live ______, and my pipe and my Robinson Crusoe ______ the evening — what more could I possibly want to make me happy? Remember what Adam wanted when he was alone ______ the Garden of Eden; [3] and if you don't blame it ______ Adam, don't blame it ______ me. (Moonstone).
[1] made her way — направилась [2] it did him good — это было ему на пользу [3] Garden of Eden [i: dn] (библ. ) —Эдем, рай