View the presentation (the text of the presentation is shown below). Use it as a blueprint for writing an essay on the topic Communication in the 21st century
https: //youtu. be/hn9jDOPDrqI Watch the video. List the principles of successful communication. Which of them do you consider the most important? Why?
View the presentation (the text of the presentation is shown below). Use it as a blueprint for writing an essay on the topic " Communication in the 21st century" https: //cloud. mail. ru/public/XsMC/2NAmrveTn
21st century - the " century of communication The 21st century is called the " Century of Communication" because before, people over long distances could communicate on a landline phone, but not everyone had it. Now, almost every house has a computer, most people have mobile phones, and many have smartphones with Internet We can contact our friends and relatives at any time, when necessary - with rescue, delivery, etc. With the advent of the latest technologies, it has become easier for people to communicate with each other, share news, communicate information about themselves, about relatives, friends, society and the world as a whole. These technologies - this is why our century is called the " Century of Communication. " Advantages and disadvantages of the " century of communication Advantages: 1) communication tools, almost always accessible and relatively easy to use, greatly facilitate our communication. 2) conversations from a distance 3) fast data transfer 4) payment for services and purchases Disadvantages: 1) language depreciation 2) user illiteracy 3) the problem of " loneliness in the network" Will the new technological revolution be stopped? We cannot stop technological progress, but we can try to take action. It seems that the best strategy is to introduce reasonable restrictions at the level of the law, but make every effort so that the advantage gained through technology is stronger on the side of good than on the side of evil.