Killer questions at interviews ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Killer questions at interviews 1) Why do you want this job? 2) Are you a physically active person? What role does sport play in your life? 3)Tell me why you left your previous job. 4)Do people think that you are hard-working? Why? Why not? 5) Tell me about some things you are afraid of. 6)What will I discover if I check you out on Facebook / VK? 7)If you could have any superhero power, what power would you have and why? 8)Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? 9)Who would win a battle between a ninja and a pirate? 10)If you could choose one song to listen to for the rest of your life, which song would you choose? 11)Tell me about a difficult situation and how you overcame it? 12) Do you have friends who are working? 13) What do you think about office romances? 14) What working experience [ɪ k'spɪ ə rɪ ə ns] do you have? 15) In what situations do you lose your temper? 16) What demotivates you in a job? 17) What is your greatest weakness? What is your greatest strength? 18) Are you planning on getting married in the future? 19)PlayStation 4 or Nintendo Switch? 20) What questions do you have to me?
· to overcome a problem – справитьсяспроблемой · a weakness – слабость · a strength[streŋ θ ] – сильная сторона