Happy Families. Happy Families (Rules) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Happy Families
Happy Families (Rules)
The object of the game is to collect complete families. (Here: bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining room, office. ) The player whose turn it is asks another player for a specific card from the same family as a card that the player already has. (Have you got the ……? ) If the asked player has the card, he gives it to the requester and the requester can then ask any player for another card. If the asked player does not have the card, it becomes his turn and he asks another player for a specific card. Play continues in this way until no families are separated among different players. The player with the most cards wins. One of the rules states that a player cannot ask for a certain card to deceive any player if he does not have a card in the set he is asking for.