Контрольная работа №1. Chemical Industry in RussiaСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Контрольная работа №1 Обучающийся обязательно выполняет Контрольную работу №1 в письменном виде на листах формата А4. Выполнению данной контрольной работы предшествует самостоятельная работа с текстом №1 «What chemistry is (part I)» (см. материал для самостоятельной работы) Задания к Контрольной работе №1: 1. Прочитайте текст «Chemical Industry in Russia». 2. Выполните письменно лексические упражнения, используя словарь при необходимости (упр. 1. 1. -1. 4. ). 3. Выполните письменно грамматические задания (упр. 2. 1. -2. 6. ). Chemical Industry in Russia Russia takes one of the leading places in the world for such natural resources as coal, gas, oil, iron, nonferrous, and rare metals. On the basis of these resources and great achievements of chemistry, chemical industry is highly developed in Russia. The most important discoveries in modern chemistry were made by Russian scientists – N. Kurnakov, N. Zelinsky, A. Favorsky – these discoveries made possible to invent new materials, such as polymers with valuable properties, extra light and solid metals, and also many new synthetic compounds. Many industrial plants have been constructed all over the country to produce materials of new generation. New industries are closely connected with these inventions: space-rocket construction, machinery, electronics, and microbiology. Natural resources are greatly used for production of consumer goods. But these resources are limited. Artificial materials must substitute natural ones. There are many plants producing synthetic fibers, polymers, resins. Powerful production complexes were built in the Urals, Siberia, the Russian Far East. The production of these plants is being greatly used in many branches of industry. It is important to understand the role of chemical researches in technological process.