Short Story: The LegoShort Story: The Lego
Вопросы для обсуждения: 1. What happened in the story? 2. According to the story, what does “LEGO” mean in Danish? 3. What do they mean by a “system of play”? 4. Who’s telling the story? 5. What is the message of story?
Активный словарь: to dismiss - to fire someone from work a carpenter - a person working with wood to give up: Don't give up! to put an idea into action - to bring an idea to life a skilled worker - an expert worker - an experienced worker to help out - to help to keep up - to support, to continue; to keep up with - идти в ногу с... to afford - to be able to buy a thing It was a blast. - Это было прорывом (в переносном значении), а также " взрыв" в прямом смысле. to manage - to succeed to make a profit – извлечь выгоду a good bargain – удачная сделка in stock – на складе moral support – моральная поддержка groundbreaking - новаторское the highest quality - высочайшее качество