Pliskevich. Aleksandr. Start-up ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Pliskevich Aleksandr Start-up
What is a startup? The term " startup" has English origins and translates as the beginning of the process. Today, this concept identifies projects at an early stage of development. My startup is called “Life Button”. How it works: instant the signal is received the call center, if the client company is in trouble; calling an ambulance in place of the signal; the message to relatives about the incident; storage of information on diseases, allergies, history of calls for medical assistance. " Button of life" — it is also a powerful monitoring system that helps to identify the location of the person. Elderly — the most vulnerable, they often get lost, unable to forget the address or to be subjected to robbery.
The initial capital required for implementation of such business is 50 thousand dollars. Now everyone can help your elderly relative, if it is not possible to reside with him. The cost of such services depends on the selected package and is 200-1100 rubles a month. The payback period from 3 to 6 months.