


Случайная статья

2. Выполнить упражнения по теме.


1. Изучить : https: //study-english. info/adjective. php (прилагательное)

2. Выполнить упражнения по теме.

1. Choose an adjective or an adverb to make sentences grammatically correct.

Examples: It is clear. I see it clearly.

1. It is (correct, correctly).
2. Spell the word (correct, correctly).
3. You know it (good, well).
4. Of course it is (good, well).
5. It is (cold, coldly) in the room.
6. Don’t look so (cold, coldly) at me.
7. It is (easy, easily).
8. I can do it (easy, easily).
9. It is (warm, warmly) today.
10. He always greets us (warm, warmly).

2. Give the Comparative and Superlative Degrees.

Sad, grey, bad, old, happy, free, far, dry, big, near, shy, unusual, able, mountainous, little, polite, famous, well-known, heavy.

3. Put adjectives into correct forms.

1. John is (young) of the 3 brothers.
2. The Sun is (bright) the Moon.
3. Is the diameter of Jupiter (big) than that of the Earth?
4. That room is (light) than yours.
5. This room is (large) than the one upstairs.
6. It doesn’t take (much) than four days to cross the Atlantic, does it?

4. Choose the correct form of an adjective.

1. Jane is the (taller — tallest) of the 2 girls.
2. Father was the (eldest — elder) of seven sons.
3. Albert is (elder — older) than John.
4. I think your plan is the (best — better) of the two.
5. This is the (most large-largest) power — station, I’ve ever seen.
6. Henry is the (oldest — eldest) of the 3 brothers.

5. Choose the appropriate adjective in brackets

Н-р: The ghost was … (frightening/frightened). (Привидение было страшным. ) – The ghost was frightening.

1. Our trip will be … (tiring/tired). (Наша поездка будет утомительной. )

2. He always feels … (boring/bored) during his vacation. (Ему всегда скучно на каникулах. )

3. I really enjoyed a … (relaxing/relaxed) walk near the sea. (Мне очень понравилась расслабляющая прогулка у моря. )

4. John was … (disappointing/disappointed) by the results of his exams. (Джон был расстроен результатами своих экзаменов. )

5. I’m leaving for Milan tomorrow and I am … (exсiting/excited). (Я уезжаю завтра в Милан, и я взволнована. )

6. My Dad is … (interesting/interested) in politics. (Мой отец интересуется политикой. )

7. I got lost in the city because the map was … (confusing/confused). (Я потерялся в городе, потому что карта была запутанной. )

8. Ann is … (surprising/surprised) by the news. (Аня удивлена новостям. )

9. Your reasons are not … (convincing/convinced) for me. (Твои доводы неубедительны для меня. )

10. They looked … (amusing/amused) by the presents. (Они были приятно удивлены подарками. )



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