Worksheet 004
Age and Decisions
Do you like your current age? What do you like about it?
Yes, I do! Absolutely! I’m 17 now. So, on the one hand, I feel quite comfortable living with my family and getting all I need including their love and support. All I have to do is to study hard and do some chores. On the hand, I enjoy certain independence, for example I can make serious decisions for my myself, travel with my friends and do part-time jobs from time to time. Also, what appeals to me in my age is that most people including my family, friends and teachers respect my feelings and choices.
At what age do you think people are the happiest?
It’s not an easy question, because age is not about how old you are, but rather how you feel it. So, people may be the happiest at different ages. When you are a junior, you don’t have any problems аnd don’t understand much, so you feel happy. Next, you become an underage person, you have some independence and can make serios decisions for yourself. Though, you live with parents and get their love and support. When you are a middle-aged adult, you are all independent. Also, you can have your family and your child or travel a lot with the family. As for senior people, they live a quiet life, have quite a lot of life experience and raise their grandchildren. That’s happiness, too.
What was the most important decision you have made?
I am 17 years old, so I usually make some serious decisions together with my parents. One of the most important decision was what I am going to do after leaving school. I have been in two minds for a long time because it’s really difficult to decide about it. I was considering entering a Drama High School or choosing a Higher School of Economics. On the one hand, I would really like to be an actress, it’s my dream. On the other hand, I understand that it’s an unreliable profession. My final decision was entering the Higher School of Economics in Tula. Now, I don't know how this decision will affect my life, but I think it is really important for my future career.
| возраст
An adult
| Взрослый человек
A young adult, a middle-aged adult, a senior person
| Молодой человек, человек среднего возраста, пожилой (старый) человек
People under 16
| Люди до 16 лет
People of age, adult people
| Совершеннолетние
People under age
| несовершеннолетние
To run a business
| Вести бизнес, заниматься предпринимательством
What appeals to me in …. is...
| Что привлекает меня в… это…
В … меня привлекает то, что….
rather big
rather early
| Довольно-таки, достаточно + прилагательное или наречие
Rather thanI would have coffee rather than tea now.
| А не (в сравнениях, предпочтениях)
To leave the nest (idiom)
| Покинуть гнездо, вылететь из гнезда = уехать из родительского дома
It’s not an easy question.
Age is not about how old you are, but rather how responsible you are.
If you ask me about my age, I feel a young adult rather than a teenager at the moment.
Probably this is because I have to make rather serious decisions.
Nowadays a lot of people under age run big businesses and succeed.
Nowadays a lot of people under age help their parents to run their businesses and succeed.
I don’t think I am ready to leave the nest at the moment, but I really need more independence.
What appeals to me in my age is that most people including my family, friends and teachers respect my decisions.
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