GAZEBO – COLOUR CHART ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Designed & Digitized by Sue Box
Multi Format design download Readme and Colour Chart. ‘Gazebo' Designed & Digitized by Sue Box. This Copyright © 2003 Design is Manufactured & Marketed under License by Sue Box Creations Pty. Ltd.
1. Aspen White 2574. 5. Hedge 2601. 9. Desert Cactus 2544. 2. Desert Cactus 2544. 6. Lake Blue 2304. 10. Satin Wine 2314. 3. Tamarak 2230. 7. Heron Blue 2525. 11. Autumn Green 2543. 4. Moonbeam 2560. 8. Aspen White 2574. 12. Desert Cactus 2544.
This charming embroidery design with forget-me-nots is straight from a romantic garden, 'Gazebo' is a sample of our ‘Everlasting Embroidery Collection' – this design is not included in the collection – it is our special gift to you our embroidery friend. As this design is covered by copyright please do not reproduce and pass on this design, please let your friends visit my website and download their own – also you may not post this design on your own or anyone else’s website. Happy Embroidering.
Sue of Sue Box Creations.
Visit our website at < www. suebox. com>