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Reasons to Have a Positive Work-Life Balance

Reasons to Have a Positive Work-Life Balance

When you’re really into your work or are working in a startup, the line dividing your personal life and professional life easily become blurred. It’s important to be able to separate yours work life and from your personal life for the sake of your health and sanity.

Remote working can make it tricky to separate work from your personal life. After all, you’re working in your home (or another place of your choice), bringing your professional life into one of the most personal places in your life. If this is you, it’s time to consider implementing a positive work-life balance for the following reasons:

Negative impact on family life.

When you’re focused on work, other parts of your life tend to get less attention such as family. As a result, your relationships suffer with family members. This can create a stronger negative impact when adults become increasingly absent in the lives of their children or significant others.


It’s simple: when you work too much, you get tired. When you’re tired, you could yield lower quality work and you may not be able to work as productively. This could eventually damage your work reputation or unintentionally cause you to make mistakes.

Michelle Lara Lin, the founder of Quotesome, wrote a pretty cool blog post on how if you care about your company, you should stop treating yourself poorly (although her word choice is a tad different). The principle behind her argument is simple: if you’re in bad health and aren’t sleeping enough, your productivity will suck.


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