c) Magellanic penguin. a) a week. Questions for a discussion. Professionals who work with animal rescues try to avoid relationships like this so they are able to reintroduce the animal into the wild, said Krajewski (a biologist). But thi ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Task 3 Go through the questions and ask students to guess the answers. Then watch the video and check their answers. NB: In the video the penguin is named Jinjing - you may explain that this is the local Brazilian (Portuguese) pronunciation of Dindim.
1. What kind of penguin is Dindim? a) Emperor penguin b) Southern rockhopper penguin c) Magellanic penguin 2. How long did it take Joao to nurse Dindim back to health? a) a week b) several months c) a year 3. After Joao first released Dindim into the sea, the penguin returned and stayed with him for another a) 11 days b) 11 months c) week
Questions for a discussion Do you think it’s a good idea to make friends with a wild animal? A quote from the article may help the discussion: " Professionals who work with animal rescues try to avoid relationships like this so they are able to reintroduce the animal into the wild, " said Krajewski (a biologist). " But this case in Brazil certainly allowed Dindim to live and was the best this kind man could do for the penguin. " Imagine that Dindim has an Instagram account. What is the last post about? Do you know any animal Instagram accounts? Look through this list 10 Best Animal Instagram Accounts. Which would you like to follow?