Food for thought.
If a healthy body can 'catch' a cold or flu due to influenza germs and is unable to resist an 'attack' by these micro-organisms, then how can the subsequently debilitated body ever recover? How can the weakened organism repel the onslaught of trillions of proliferating micro-organisms? The inevitable result would be the death of the organism.
If bacteria did invade organisms and subsequently laid them low, as medically supposed, the impetus and momentum they built up in the process would become progressively more pronounced and overwhelming as the organism receded further into disease.
If germs and microbe 'attackers' overwhelmed a healthy body, then, once they laid a victim low, their proliferating reproduction would exponentially increase the 'devouring', which would cease only when they had exhausted their food supply. There would be no recovery. If bacteria and viruses cause disease and debilitate the body, how does the weakened individual recover?
Were germs the cause of disease, there would be no remission, and germ proliferation would continue unimpeded. Once the invading entities have a head start, it does not seem they would stop their destruction but, instead, would further diminish the organism's ability to defend itself. When bacteria start decomposing a body, only complete exhaustion of all organic materials ends their course— only when 'the bones are picked clean', so to speak.
Logic tells us that if microbial organisms make someone sick' and proliferate by the billions as they become more numerous and stronger, they would progressively sap more and more energy, vitality and resources from their victim. How can this process be reversed by a much weakened organism?

From Exposing the Myth of Germ Theory by Arthur M Baker
Interested in learning more? https: //bit. ly/GermFraud
in opposition to
· We do not catch diseases. We build them.
· We have to eat, drink, think, and feel them into existence.
· We work hard at developing our diseases.
· We must work just as hard at restoring health.
· The presence of germs does not constitute the presence of a disease.
· Bacteria are scavengers of nature... they reduce dead tissue to its smallest element.
· Germs or bacteria have no influence, whatsoever, on live cells.
· Germs or microbes flourish as scavengers at the site of disease.
· They are just living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished, nonresistant tissue in the first place.
· They are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies and maggots cause garbage.
· Flies, maggots, and rats do not cause garbage but rather feed on it.
· Mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant!
· You always see firemen at burning buildings, but that doesn’t mean they caused the fire.
Interested in learning more? https: //bit. ly/GermFraud
Viral Truth
“The entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proved, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of truth. The basic one of the unproven assumptions, wholly due to Pasteur, is the hypothesis that all the so-called infections and contagious disorders are caused by germs. ”
M. L. Leverson, M. D.
| “… Viruses are simply the excretions of a toxic cell. Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA, with a few other proteins. They butt out from the cell. They happen when the cell is poisoned. They are not the cause of anything. ”
Dr. Thomas Cowan, M. D., commenting on Rudolf Steiner’s insights
| “If the Germ Theory were true, no one would be alive to believe it. ”
B. J. Palmer, D. C.
| “Germs seek their natural habitat: diseased tissue, rather than being the cause of diseased tissue. ”
Rudolf Virchow
| “We said before that so-called ‘germs’ are ubiquitous. They are ever present, in many varying forms in both healthy and sick people. These microbes kick into what modern scientists call ‘pathogens, ’ when the media is toxic and conducive to clean up. When you enter into a healing crisis, and your body is throwing off toxins, these ‘germs’ appear out of your very substance, to help eliminate, process and break down these toxins. Germs have absolutely no causal relationship to disease. But germs do appear to help you clean out, because put quite simply, your disease is your cure! ”
Dr. William P. Trebing, author of “Good-Bye Germ Theory, ” page 154
| “Three criteria are, according to the scientific method needed to properly identify a virus. It must be isolated from a host cell. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. It must be photographed and it’s diameter measured. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. It must be biochemically characterized. As of 2016 this has never been accomplished in humans. This has never been done with any virus (herpes, hepatitis, h1n1, bird flu, swine flu, influenza, polio, measles) let alone HIV, HPV, SARS, Zika or Ebola. ” — Viruses. How Much is that Dogma in the Window?, New Medicine Online
| “The culprit however, is not the microbe. It is the level of toxicity you have in your own blood stream. ” — Good-Bye Germ Theory, Dr. William P. Trebing, 2006
| “Germs cannot be the cause of disease, because disease germs are also found in healthy bodies. ” — H. Lindlahr, M. D., author of Nature Cure
| “The general public have been told that we do not become ill except when germs penetrate into from without. The germ theory of disease is ridiculous. ” — E. Douglas Hume, author of Bechamp or Pasteur, A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology
| “Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity. ” — E. Douglas Hume, author of Bechamp or Pasteur, A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology
| Learn more here: https: //bit. ly/GermFraud
Viral Fallacy
“Virus Mania is a social disease of our highly developed society. To cure it will require conquering fear, fear being the most deadly contagious virus, most efficiently transmitted by the media.
Errare humanum est sed diabolicum preservare.... (to err is human, but to preserve an error is diabolic). ”
Etienne de Harven, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Toronto
QuestioningCovid. com
Did you know that contagion is a myth? No clinical study has ever been able to recreate contagion. http: //bit. ly/ContagionMyth
“Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity. ” - E. Douglas Hume, “Bechamp or Pasteur, A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology” Read it free here: https: //bit. ly/LostHistoryBechamp
“If the Germ Theory were true, no one would be alive to believe it. ” B. J. Palmer, D. C.
| Viral Fallacy
“Virus Mania is a social disease of our highly developed society. To cure it will require conquering fear, fear being the most deadly contagious virus, most efficiently transmitted by the media.
Errare humanum est sed diabolicum preservare.... (to err is human, but to preserve an error is diabolic). ”
Etienne de Harven, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Toronto
QuestioningCovid. com
Did you know that contagion is a myth? No clinical study has ever been able to recreate contagion. http: //bit. ly/ContagionMyth
“Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity. ” - E. Douglas Hume, “Bechamp or Pasteur, A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology” Read it free here: https: //bit. ly/LostHistoryBechamp
“If the Germ Theory were true, no one would be alive to believe it. ” B. J. Palmer, D. C.
| Viral Fallacy
“Virus Mania is a social disease of our highly developed society. To cure it will require conquering fear, fear being the most deadly contagious virus, most efficiently transmitted by the media.
Errare humanum est sed diabolicum preservare.... (to err is human, but to preserve an error is diabolic). ”
Etienne de Harven, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pathology at the University of Toronto
QuestioningCovid. com
Did you know that contagion is a myth? No clinical study has ever been able to recreate contagion. http: //bit. ly/ContagionMyth
“Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity. ” - E. Douglas Hume, “Bechamp or Pasteur, A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology” Read it free here: https: //bit. ly/LostHistoryBechamp
“If the Germ Theory were true, no one would be alive to believe it. ” B. J. Palmer, D. C.
Virus of MASK deception?
Covid not adding up?
Are you questioningcovid. com? Does the masks and social distancing not make sense to you? Does something feel off to you about this whole situation?
Recommended Books:
Bechamp or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology -Ethel D. Hume
What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong Dawn Lester and David Parker
Virus Mania- Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Kohnlein
Good-Bye Germ Theory: ending a century of medical fraud - Dr. William P Trebing
Dr. Stefan Lanka - http: //bit. ly/LankaVirus2
Search out these Experts:
Claude Bernard, Antoine Bechamp, Dr. Thomas Cowen, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. T. C. Fry, Dr. Herbert Shelton, Amanda Vollmer
Learn more here: https: //bit. ly/GermFraud
Virus of MASK deception?
Covid not adding up?
Are you questioningcovid. com? Does the masks and social distancing not make sense to you? Does something feel off to you about this whole situation?
Recommended Books:
Bechamp or Pasteur?: A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology -Ethel D. Hume
What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong Dawn Lester and David Parker
Virus Mania- Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Kohnlein
Good-Bye Germ Theory: ending a century of medical fraud - Dr. William P Trebing
Dr. Stefan Lanka - http: //bit. ly/LankaVirus2
Search out these Experts:
Claude Bernard, Antoine Bechamp, Dr. Thomas Cowen, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. T. C. Fry, Dr. Herbert Shelton, Amanda Vollmer
Learn more here: https: //bit. ly/GermFraud