Peace Corps Volunteer Run Summer Camps· For Students o GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) § Applications are due this Friday April 14th § Female only § Ages 14-18 § July 8-15, in Rivnenska Oblast § July 28- August 4, in Cherkaska § 300 UAH fee (covers meals, board, transportation, activites, and tshirts – financial assistance may be available) § https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeLgvO_-E2O9KjyrsrMPPOVnUnJvgs_tIQeqiKdeHvMtjOGcQ/viewform? c=0& w=1 o Camp WILD (Writing, Innovation, Leadership, and Diversity) § Application due this Friday April 14th § Camp will take place June 3rd-9th in Yarmche, Ukraine § Boys and girls in forms 6-11 § 300 UAH fee (covers lodging, meals, transportation, activities, notebooks, and t-shirts) – scholarships are available for those who are unable to afford this fee § https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfZXNWoRsHEdR_YWEbgRMyt3lHks3k3MjdymzcHkR2oVbhdCg/viewform o Camp TORCH (Thoughtful Organization for the Rights of Children) § Applications are due April 30th § Boys and girls ages 13-17 § July 30th-August 5th in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast § 205 UAH fee that covers cost of t-shirts, and food for arrival day (campers are responsible for transportation but keep your receipts as there will be a partial, if not full reimbursement for travel fees) § Learn about childrens rights, empathy and tolerance, gender discrimination § https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/1KS5Y6kOLPn_QBmo2h2hhFNbjpeVTkE7EnmPMNvOCMhQ/viewform? edit_requested=true · For Teachers to volunteer as Counselors o MASCOT (Mykolaiv Artistic Summer Camp of Teamwork) § July 7th-15th in Mykolaiv (plus training July 5th and 6th) § English camp § https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/11hmfv-U4-v_J6Mufp95soW_qepM2rjIA3q4we1YTOU4/viewform? edit_requested=true o GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) § Female only § Comfortable using working English § Application due this FridayApril 14th § July 8-15, in Rivnenska Oblast § July 28- August 4, in Cherkaska § https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKIM1RTqEJQsWSk3f4svzBS0AS8PN1W75iPxocVRsFcrJdMQ/viewform? c=0& w=1 o Bar Theatre Camp § August § Bar in Vinnyts’ka Oblast § Application due this Friday April 14th § Primarily speak English § Contribute ideas and plan activities/sessions § Lead sessions and small-group rehearsals § 8 days § https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfTJAbcSVujM1LTJUWTzgVVJNE3IhFbAbLnGeeq3u4OaA2YQ/viewform o Camp Model United Nations § 7 day camp for Ukrainian high school students § energetic and work well with high schoolers § mentor and team leaders § lead camp activities and model UN sessions § tentatively august 7-14th § application due april 21st § https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNU5-8FVRj4Vlvzc1dbdDuEaiiwfG6Ouf6Y2QxdrXBPvZICA/viewform? c=0& w=1 o Camp WILD (Writing, Innovation, Leadership, and Diversity) § Application due this Friday April 14th § Camp will take place June 3rd-9th in Yarmche, Ukraine § Forms 6-11 § 18 and older § passionate about helping young campers develop their creative writing and leadership skills § interested in teaching lessons § Attend a 1. 5-day staff training in May § Chaperone campers § https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEZKV8N1Qhh5x7toZQptJcLjnW_iXX7GtoxiM9IREMXSNsCw/viewform o Camp TORCH (Thoughtful Organization for the Rights of Children) § Applications are due April 30th § July 30th-August 5th in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast § Learn about childrens rights, empathy and tolerance, gender discrimination § 18 years and older § Plan and conduct enging lessons with Peace Corps counselor and translate lesson plans § Chaperone campers § Help in many ways § Be positive and flexible § https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/1Q8uGvVQDEuJEGrOyBG_HBzcXorVFt3Mk-J18PatKqZY/viewform? edit_requested=true