E = Emma, A = Andy ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 E: He's young, he's good looking, he's intelligent and he's a great singer. Who is he? He's Andy Platts, the lead singer with Mama’s Gun. Mama’s Gun have a concert here in London tonight. Let's go and talk to Andy about life as a rock star. Andy, hi, I'm Emma. A: Emma, pleasure to meet you. E: OK Andy, let's start with some easy questions. ………………… are you from? A: I'm British. My mum's from the Philippines and my dad is from England. E: ………………………….. you live in London? A: No, I don't actually, I live North of London in Essex. E: ……………………… kind of music do you like? A: That's a good question. I like all kinds of music, soul music, jazz music, rock music, all types of music. E: …………………….. are your favourite singers and bands? A: That's another good question. Freddie Mercury, Aretha Franklin, Electric Light Orchestra, there are too many. E: …………………….. you listen to a lot of music? A: Of course, I listen to music every day, all day. E: ………………………… instruments do you play? A: I play the guitar, er, the piano, the drums, bass guitar, er, a little bit of flute and trumpet. E: ………………………. you write the songs for Mama’s Gun? A: Yes, I do write the songs for Mama’s Gun. E: …………………… you work long hours? A: Yes sometimes we can work fourteen, fifteen hours in the studio. E: …………………………… do you do in your free time? A: Er, when I don't listen to music I like to go to the cinema or see my friends. E: ……………………. you travel a lot? A: I do travel a lot. I like to go to Europe or to the United States. E: You have a gig this evening. ……………… do you do on a typical concert day? A: Well I wake up and I have a shower and I drink a coffee and then I get very nervous but I try and relax and enjoy it. E: OK, thanks Andy and good luck with the concert. A: Thank you very much. E: It's now ten o'clock and Mama’s Gun are live on stage.