


Случайная статья



  • Error: Causes a critical error; exits the engine.
  • SetCollision: Changes the actor's collision flags.
  • SetCollisionSize: Changes the actor's collision size.
  • Move: Moves the actor by the specified displacement vector, handling collision (based on the collision flags), Touch and Bump notifications.
  • MoveSmooth: Like move, but smoothly brushes against walls.
  • SetLocation: Teleports the actor to a new location.
  • SetRotation: Sets the actor's new rotation.
  • SetBase: Sets the actor's Base. A base of None means that the actor moves alone; setting the base to another actor in the world causes this actor to move and rotate along with its base. An example of using a base is standing on a moving platform.
  • SetOwner: Sets this actor's owner.
  • IsA: Return whether this actor belongs in a named class.
  • PlayAnim: Plays a named animation sequence in the actor's Mesh once (use the Mesh Viewer in UnrealEd to see the animation sequence names for a given mesh). The optional Rate scales the animation's default rate. If a nonzero TweenTime is specified, the animation is first tweened from whatever is currently displayed to the start of the named animation sequence, before the animation sequence plays. When the animation playing completes, it stops and calls your optional AnimEnd() event and causes any latent FinishAnim() calls to return.
  • LoopAnim: Like PlayAnim, but loops the animation sequence over and over without end. As with PlayAnim, the AnimEnd() is called at the end of the sequence, and FinishAnim() calls return at the end of each iteration of the loop.
  • TweenAnim: Tweens from whatever animation is currently being displayed, to the start of the specified animation sequence, then stops and calls AnimEnd() and releases any latent FinishAnim() calls.
  • IsAnimating: Returns whether the actor's mesh is currently animating.
  • GetAnimGroup: Returns the group name of the specified animation sequence.
  • SetPhysics: Sets the actor's current physics mode.
  • BroadcastMessage: Sends a text message to all players.

Latent Functions:

  • Sleep: Waits for a certain (fractional) number of seconds to pass, then continues.
  • FinishAnim: Waits for the currently playing or looping animation to reach the end of the sequence.
  • FinishInterpolation: Only relevent with the physics mode PHYS_Interpolating. Waits until the next interpolation point is reached.


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