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 Tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity

 Tooth sensitivity

Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words:

Tooth sensitivity tuː θ ˌ sɛ nsɪ ˈ tɪ vɪ ti          чутливість зубів
 to be exposed ɪ ksˈ pə ʊ z бути незахищеним
tubes tjuː bz трубки
dentinal tubules ˈ tjuː bjuː lz, дентинні канальці, тубули
gum recession rɪ ˈ sɛ ʃ ə n cпад, рецесія ясен
trigger ˈ trɪ gə r запускати
Inadequate ɪ nˈ æ dɪ kwɪ t неадекватний
abrasive ə ˈ breɪ sɪ v абразивний
cementum sɪ ˈ mɛ ntə m цементна речовина зубів
Acidic ə ˈ sɪ dɪ k кислий
citric ˈ sɪ trɪ k лимонний
carbonated ˈ kɑ ː bə nɪ tɪ d карбонизований
excessive ɪ kˈ sɛ sɪ v зайвий
attrition ə ˈ trɪ ʃ (ə )n стирання
abfraction abfraction абфракція, втрата зубної речовини
dentinal   дентиний
exposure ɪ ksˈ pə ʊ ʒ ə оголення
wooden picks ˈ wʊ dn pɪ ks дерев'яні зубочистки
normalcy ˈ nɔ ː mə lsi звичайність

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following word-combinations:


root cementum, tooth enamel, natural protection, thousands of microscopic tubes, dentinal tubules, the nerve endings, gum recession, acidic foods and drinks, allowing external stimuli, potentially triggering Tooth Sensitivity, inadequate brushing strength, abrasive toothpaste may cause abrasion to the enamel, excessive chewing force

Exercise 3. Read and translate the text:

Tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is produced with the dentin - which is protected by gums, root cementum and tooth enamel - loses its natural protection and is exposed.

The dentin contains thousands of microscopic tubes, called dentinal tubules, which connect the external part of the tooth to the nerve endings. When a tooth loses its protection from gum recession and/or tooth enamel wear, these tubules are exposed to the outside, allowing external stimuli to reach the nerve endings and cause pain.

Signs & Symptoms

If hot, cold, sweet or very acidic foods and drinks, or breathing in cold air, makes your teeth or a tooth sensitive or painful then you may have sensitive teeth. Tooth sensitivity can come and go over time.


A variety of situations cause dentinal tubules to become exposed, potentially triggering Tooth Sensitivity. These tend to be related to patients’ lifestyle and daily oral hygiene habits:

· Inadequate brushing strength and/or frequency and very abrasive toothpaste may cause abrasion to the enamel and/or cementum, exposing the dentin.

· Acidic food and drinks (citric juices, carbonated soft drinks, etc. ) cause tooth decalcification or erosion, particularly at the neck level.

· Excessive chewing force (occlusal trauma, bruxism) or poor habits can cause wear (attrition and/or abfraction) and dentinal exposure.

· Periodontal treatment, especially surgery, can remove some of the gum, leading to gingival recession.


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