Exercise 1. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе.Exercise 1. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе. City, safe, life, valley, leaf, goose, ox, ship, mother-in-law, wife, roof, mouse, Negro, lady, army, tooth, watch, bus, class, queen.
Exercise 2. Выполните по адресу http: //www. enhome. ru/grammar/lesson13_ex. html Если возникнут трудности, на странице есть ссылка на грамматические правила внизу этой же страницы.
Тест №1Выберите правильный вариант для подстановки 1. Our two … are crying all the time. 2. No news … good news. 3. … usually fly not very high. 4. These potatoes weigh five …. 5. I don’t like going by car. If I have a chance, I always go on …. 6. What do you need these … for? 7. My new Swiss watch … 3 minutes slow. 8. Those were the happiest days of our …. 9. Leaves usually … trees in autumn. 10. Rock music of the 1970s is an extremely interesting cultural …. 11. Big … don’t cry. 12. I prefer natural … when I want to change my hair style. 13. It is rather dangerous to walk on … after the rain. 14. Dentists recommend using … twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. 15. … are flowers of life. 16. The naughty kid likes throwing rotten … at passers-by. 17. 50 … of oil leaked out of the tanker into the sea. 18. There is no piano in the …. 19. … in our house are so annoying. We definitely need a cat. 20. My little son is afraid of grey … (волчков) that come at night.