The national kind of sport in the USA is
| Basketball
The famous American rock-n-roll singer was
| Elvis Presley
The famous centre of American automobile industry is
| Detroit
Russia is the … country in the world
| Largest
Russia is a multination country where … live
| Over 176 nationalities
The capital of Russia is …
| Moscow
The centre of Moscow is the …
| Red Square
Near the Red Square there is the…
| Kremlin
Moscow was … in 1147
| founded
Moscow was founded by
| Yuri Dilgorukiy
Moscow State university was opened in
The founder of Moscow State university was
| M. Lomonosov
The Olympic Games of 2014 took place in
| Sochi
In Surgut there are … state universities
This Russian city considered the second Russian capital
| St. Petersburg
The capital of our region is
| Tyumen
The animal symbol of Surgut is a
| Silver fox
The traditional food of Khanty people is
| Fish
The largest city in the Khanty-Mansiysky Okrug is..
| Surgut
Surgut is situated on the river…
| Ob
Surgut was founded in
The native population of the Khanty-Mansiysky Okrug are the
| Khanty
In the centre of Surgut one can see the
| Monument of the founders
The highest peak in Russia is
| Mound Elbrus
The longest river in Western Siberia is the river
| Ob
The first Russian printer was
| Ivan Fedorov
The deepest lake in the world is
| Lake Baikal
The colors of the Russian flag are
| White-blue-red
On the Russian flag one can see the national symbol, that is
| Two-headed Eagle
Russia is a
| Presidential Republic
The head of the Russian Federation is the …
| President
The president of the Russian Federation now is …
| Putin
The Prime Minister of the Russian government now is …
| Medvedev
The national anthem of Russian is
| Russia – our sacred country
The floral symbol of Russia is a
| Birch-tree
The traditional Russian food are
| Pancakes and caviar
The Spasskaya Tower is famous for the
| Chimes
The world known Moscow Theatre is the
| Bolshoi Theatre
The central street of Moscow is
| Tverskaya Street
The most famous museum in Moscow is the
| Tretyakov Gallery
The only Moscow Theatre in the world is
| The “Romen” Gipsy Theatre
The most famous university in Russia is
| Moscow State university
The largest city in the USA is
| New York
New York is situated on the banks of the
| Hudson River
The USA is often called the
| Melting Pot
The USA is the … largest country in the world
| Fourth
America was discovered by
| Christopher Columbus
Columbus day is celebrated on
| October 12
The USA consists of
| 50 states
The USA motto is
| In God we trust
The USA monument symbol of liberty is
| the Statue of liberty
The longest river in the USA is the
| Missouri
McKinley is the
| Highest Peak in the USA
The largest state of the USA is
| Alaska
The Statue of Liberty is the
| Symbol of friendship
The state bought by the US from Russia for a funny sum of money is
| Alaska
The American flag is called as
| Stars and Stripes
The world famous US university is
| Harvard University
Harvard University is situated in
| Cambridge
The USA is a
| Federal Republic
The head of the US is the
| American President
Slavery was abolished in the USA by
| - Lincoln
The official residence of the US President is
| White House
| The Capitol
The White house
The metropolitan
The Yellow Stone
The Statue of Liberty
The seat of the government
The residence of the President
A famous museum
The national park
The symbol of the USA
The official language of the USA is
| American English
The second popular language in the USA is
| Spanish
The American national flag is often called
| Old Glory
Fort Ross is located in
| California
The settler of Fort Ross are
| Russian
The national flag of Canada is
| Maple leaf
The Canadian currency is
| Canadian dollar
The two official languages in Canada are
| English and French
The animal symbol of Canada is a
| Beaver
Canada is situated on the
| North American continent
Canada is a
| Federal state
Quebee and Ontario are the
| Largest provinces of Canada
Canada consists of
| 10 provinces and 3 territories
French is spoken in
| Quebee
Canada is a
| Constitutional Monarchy
The national anthem of Canada is
| O, Canada!
The official head of Canada is the
| British Monarch
Canada is the … largest country on the world
| Second
The capital of Canada is
| Ottawa
The word Canada comes The Red Indian languages
| Kanata
The Indian word “Kanata” means
| Many huts
The national emblem of Canada is a
| Maple leaf
Canada exports mainly
| Wheat and Harley
The official representative of the Queen in Canada is the
| Governor General
In Canada pancakes with maple syrup Is a
| National dish
Canada is a rather young country and it is only
Canadian native people living far north are
| Inuit
Most of Canada’s territory is covered by
| Forests
The Olympic Games were held in
| Calgary and Vancouver
| Ottawa
30 mln
Maple leaf
The capitol of Canada
The largest city of Canada
The population of Canada
The animal symbol of Canada
The national emblem of Canada
| O, Canada!
English and French
10 mln sq km
Canada’s national anthem
Official languages in Canada
The area of Canada
Canada’s native people
| Taupo
3, 6 mln
The largest lake in New Zealand
New Zealand largest river
The native population
The population of New Zealand
New Zealand’s capital
| English
270 sq km
The state language in New Zealand
New Zealand’s currency
New Zealand’s area
The second official language
New Zealand is located
| On two island
New Zealand exports
| Dairy products
The highest maintain in New Zealand is
| Mount Cook
Rimu, totara and kauri are
| Trees
A popular Australian bird is a
| Kookaburra
| Canberra
The capital of Australia
The oldest and largest city
The island state
The number of nationalities of Australia
Australian’s national day is …
| 26 January
New Zealanders have the nickname as
| Kiwis
The capitol of New Zealand is
| Wellington
The largest city of New Zealand is
| Auckland
New Zealand’s flag is very much alike the
| Australian flag
The gold rush in Australia began in
| The 19th century
Australia is the … world’s largest country
| Sixth
Australia is a federation of
| 6 states and two territories
The Murray and the Darling are the
| Greatest rivers of Australia
The famous building for sightseeing in Sydney is
| Sydney Opera House
The British monarch’s power in Australia is represented by
| Governor-general
| Advance Australia Fair
Sydney Opera House
Australia’s national anthem
Australia’s capitol
A famous theatre
Head of the state represented by the Queen
On the Australian coat of arms you can see
| Kangaroo and Emu
The Australian natives are
| Aborigines
Australia was discovered by
| Captain Cook
Australians celebrate Christmas in
| Summer
The symbol of Sydney’s cultural life is the
| Opera House
Australia is located in the
| Southern hemisphere
The island state of Australia is
| Tasmania
The official in Australia is
| English
The first Australians were
| Black people
The largest Australian city is …
| Sydney
The Olympic Games were held in
| Melbourne and Sydney
The basis of Australian agriculture is made by
| Sheep and cattle rearing
25% of Australia minerals is
| Gold
Australia is the world’s producer of
| Wool, wheat, gold
Australian seasons are the
| Antithesis to those in Europe
The government in Australia is headed by the
| Prime Minister
The Europeans settled in Australia in
New Zealand is
| Constitutional monarchy
In New Zealand the British Queen is represented by the
| Governor-general
The head of New Zealand government is the
| Prime Minister
| Polar bear
Белый медведь
Canada has … of the world’s largest lakes
Rimu is a
| Tree
| Katherine Mansfield
Ernest Rutherford
Kiri te Kanawa
Peter Jackson
The highest maintain in New Zealand is
| Mount Cook
The most popular kind of sport in New Zealand is
| Rugby
Kauri is
| The greatest tree in New Zealand
Peter Buck was the first
| Maori doctor
The popular animals in Australia are
| Koala and kangaroo
Winter in Canada lasts … months
| Five
Canada is a federal state which consists of 10 … and 3 territories
| provinces
This New Zealander, a scientist and a Nobel Prize Winner, is
| Ernest Rutherford
Australian currency is the
| Australian dollar
Peter Jackson is a
| New Zealand’s film-maker
A room for sleeping is a
| Bedroom
The main room in a house where people relax, watch TV is a
| Living room
A room where you prepare and cook food is a
| Kitchen
A structure that is attached to the outside wall of a building is a
| Balcony
| Trade
The amount of money you have to pay for something is a …
| Price
A place in the shop where customers can try things on is a
| Fitting room
A set of clothes made of the same material, Including a jacket with trousers or a skirt is a(n)
| Suit
A piece of clothing with long sleeves that is worn over your clothes to keep you warm is a(n)
| Coat
A piece of clothing that is worn to keep you clothes clean is a(n)
| Apron
A particular type of clothing worn by students at the school is a
| Uniform
A set of standard measures according to which clothes are produced and sold is a
| Size
Money in the form of coins or notes rather than cheques is
| Cash
The activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countries is
| Trade
The power that is used to provide light or heat is
| Electricity
A machine that moves up and down between the floors in a tall buildings is
| Lift
A system of heading buildings is
| Central heating
A piece of equipment that food is cooked inside is an
| Oven
| To crack
To shell
To slice
To knead
To beat
A list of food that are available for a meal in the restaurants is a
| Menu
My father is in the habit of having rest after
| Meal
My friend prefers such vegetables as
| Peas and potatoes
I think for dessert I’ll have a
| Pie
It isn’t very sweet. I’ll add some
| Sugar
A comfortable seat that is wide enough for two or three people to sit is a
| Sofa
Large objects such as chairs, tables, beds, and cupboards are …
| Furniture
A piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs is a
| Chair
| Minced
| To peel
To mash
To toss
To grate
To stuff
| Bananas
A turkey
A room below the roof of a house, often used for storing things is an
| Attic
A building that someone lives in is a
| House
A house with a steep sloping roof, common in places with high
| Chalet
She would you like soup for the first
| Course
Roast chicken is my favorite
| Dish
A person whose job is to serve meals to people in a restaurant is a
| Waiter
The second … was veal with mashed potatoes
| Course
A dish is a particular kind of
| Meal
I’m quite … and easy to deal with. So I have a lot of friends with whom we spend much time together
| Sociable
I’ve got good relations … my parents
| With
Your parents feel troubled because
| Want worst for you
Your parents are afraid of
| Your success at the exams
When you have problems try talking things … with your parents
| Over
Someone who is studying at the university is a…
| Student
A spoken or written test of knowledge is an …
| Exam
A person who teaches at school is a
| Teacher
A period of time in which school students are taught a particular subject is a
| Lesson
A long table on which goods are shown is a
| Counter
A container on wheels that you use for carrying things or goods is a
| Trolley
A person who buys goods or services from a shop is a
| Customer
A thing that costs a lot of money is
| Expensive
A period of time when students stop working in order to rest or eat is a …
| Break
A board with dark smooth surface used for writing on with chalk is a …
| Blackboard
An amount of money that students receive for their good studying at the university is a
| Scholarship
The structure that covers or forms the top of a building is a …
| Roof
An area of glass in the wall on a building that lets in light is a …
| Window
A piece of furniture like a large cupboard that you hang clothes in is a …
| Wardrobe
The flat piece of wood that you open and close when you go into or out of a room is a …
| Door
The flat surface that you stand on inside a building is
| Floor
A small bag in which women keep paper money, coins, cards is a
| Purse
You can buy fruits and vegetables in the
A shop where fruits and vegetables are sold
| Greengrocery
You can buy milk and cream in the
A shop where milk and cream are sold
| Dairy
You can buy meat and poultry in the
A shop where meat and poultry are sold
| Butchery
You can buy bread and cakes in the
A shop where bread and cakes are sold
| Bakery
Something that is popular or thought to be good at a particular time is
| Fashion
Someone who is responsible for a separate group of
| Tutor
Someone who teaches at the college or university is a
| Lecturer
Someone in the same group as you at the university is a
| Groupmate
Someone with whom you share a room at the hostel is a
| Roommate
The subjects that students study at the particular university or college is a
| Curriculum
One of the two periods that the university year is divided is a
| Semester
A teacher at the university who is in charge of a student’s research is a
| Supervisor
A list of the times of lessons or courses at the university is a
| Timetable
An occasion when a lecturer and a group of students meet to study and discuss something is a
| Seminar
Being a teenager is not so
| Easy
Teenagers have … problems
| A lot of
When parents don’t understand the problems of their children it’s so-called
| Generation gap
It is a term popularized in Western countries during the 1960s referring to
| Generation gap
The excessive or compulsive use of the computer which
| Computer addiction
Nowadays we have very serious problems for the
| Alcohol
The teenager’s problems will
| Increase
A cheap place where students can live during their studying
| Hostel
Someone who is in charge of the university
| Rector
One of the place in the shop where you pay
| Checkout
A woman working at the checkout
| Cashier
A thing that lower in price than you expected
| Cheap
A shop where books are sold
| Bookstore
Things that you wear are
| Clothes
A new restaurant in our street specializes in Mexican
| Cuisine
You ought to take the pills after …three times a day
| Meal
The waiter is taking so long to
| Serve us
I’m very … of my motorbike
| Proud
People who are very funny and make you laugh
| Amusing
People who like to say how good they are at something
| Boastful
People who have feelings and are easily moved by things
| Adventurous
People who are deliberately try to hurt or harm others
| Malicious
People who are very forgetful because they are too busy
| Absent-minded
My parents don’t mind my crazy hair style. They are
| Tolerant
I live … a new 9 storeyed block
| In/of/in
Where do people hang their clothes
| Hall-stand
Where do you keep your clothes
| Wardrobe
What I do on my days off really depends
| On
When do you leave home
| For
I think I’ll stay here on my own. I’m not
| Sociable
Diana wants to get to the top in the company
| Ambitious
It’s not … to stare at people and say nothing
| Polite
I think you have to be very
| Imaginative
| Take into account other side’s opinion
Talk things over
Try to be calm and mature
Ask for a piece of advice
Set down new rules
Принять во внимание
Все обговорить
Попытаться быть спокойным
Попросить чьего-либо совета
An Englishman house is his
| Castle
I spend most of my bedroom which I use
| As
My room …a green park and has
| Overlooks
As a rule before I go to …
| Bed
In the morning if I have enough
| Shower
After … I put on my coat, take my bag, and go
| Breakfast
Sometimes I have scrambled eggs
| For
| Home
I don’t want … for the first lesson so I come
| To be late
Then I go to the … where I clean my teeth
| Bathroom
It … me half an hour to go to the
| Takes
I get up later than usual
| At
This house is very nicee
| A
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that
| A
The sun is
| The
There isn’t … airport near where I live
| An
People who are always friendly and welcoming
| Hospitable
People who are practical and honest
| Down-to-earth
People who are shy and feel uncomfortable
| Bashful
People who are always arrive on time
| Punctual
People who are unkind or not willing to spend money
| Mean
On weekends we like to go
| For
Students often read up for
| Library
All our students have dinner in their
| Canteen
Shame on you. Why you don’t
| Attend
My working day
| Lasts
People who are easily become angry with others
| Bad-tempered
People who don’t think about the needs of others
| Selfish
Olga … to pay more
| Needs to
You… have visited your sick
| Ought to