5.Egypt: the demonstration against soft judgment of Mubarak.Well-known by it’s pyramids and ancient civilization, Egypt nowadays plays the main role at the political situation in the Middle East. After wars with Israel ( in 1948, 1967 and 1973) with the following making peace in 1979? Egypt work it’s way up from the warring nation till the one of the main participants of the peace process. The historical step of the president Anwar Saadat, who made a peace with Israel in Kemp-David lead to exclusion of Egypt from the Arab League till 1989. Saadat was killed in 1981 by Islamic extremists, whose activity he was trying to control. His sucessor, the president Hosni Mubarak chose more moderate way of behaviour. However the islamic groups sporadically continue their operations, except that the tourists and Egyptian resorts become the objects of their killing operations in many cases. The mass antigouvernmental demonstrations, that began in January 2011, in spite of the military emergency started in 1981, finally forced the president Mubarak to step down. He was arrested and faced trial on a charge of the usage of force against the protesters that lead to the death of the several people. Nowadays the thousands of egyptians gather at the Tahrir square in Cairo, demanding the verdict for Mubarak and his supporters. The protesters think that the life sentence must be changed by the capital punishment. Moreover, protesters are dissapointed that Ahmed Shafik, the last prime minister of the deposed Mubarak passed to the second round of the elections. His main rival in Mohamed Mursy from the Muslim Brothers.