Winners of the Art competition

“Sri Lankan Day – 2021”
The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Russia organized the " Sri Lankan Day– 2021" jointly with the Russian State Library (RSL) at the conference hall of the Center for Oriental Literature of the RSL on 23rdNovember 2021 with a view to promote Sri Lankan culture, Ceylon tea, tourism and a range of Sri Lankan products.
Parallel to the " Sri Lankan Day– 2021" the Embassyorganized and successfully conducted art, essay, speech and photo competitions.
The winners of all the competitions listed above are as follows:
| Name of the winner
| Topic of the submission
Winners of the Art competition
| 1st place:
| WickramasingheArachchigeHimalJayanga
| Kandyan Glamour
| 2nd place:
| MurukkuvaduraTarinduDevindaMendis
| The Handicrafts of Ceylon
| 3d place:
| HagalanMudiyanselage Bandara SachinthaNayanajithTennakoon
| Arts and crafts of Ceylon
| Name of the winner
| Topic of the submission
Winners of the Photo competition
| 1st place:
| Boris Volkhonsky
| Colors of Festivals and Rituals
| 2nd place:
| MadawaAthukorala
| Shades of Greenery in Sri Lanka — Natural beauty and wildlife
| 3d place:
| SachinthaDeshan Rajapaksa
| Shades of Greenery in Sri Lanka — Natural beauty and wildlife
| Name of the winner
| Topic of the submission
Winners of the Essay competition
| 1st place:
| Diana Polenova
| Sri Lanka through the binoculars
| 2nd place:
| Mikhail Solovkin
| Ceylon tea and the Russian tradition
| 3d place:
| LasiniSitharaSenadeera
| Arts and crafts of Ceylon
| Name of the winner
| Topic of the submission
Winners of the Speech competition
| 1st place:
| Arthur Eshin
| Wild elephants and blue whale watching in Sri Lanka
| 2nd place:
| Zlata Shvets
| The Pearl of the Indian ocean
| 3d place:
| Herath MudiyanselageThathsarani Herath
| The unusual Sri Lankan food
The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Moscow would like to thank all the participants of the competitions and congratulate all the winners!