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Things To Do In Nevada - Tourist Tube - Nevada Attraction Located in the Southwestern regions of the United States of America, Nevada is the 35th most populous state in North America. Nevada, which means ‘snow covered’ in Spanish, is famous for the importance silver had in its economy and history, hence, officially named as the “Silver State”. Having a rich history dating back to a couple of centuries, the state is famous for its economy, laws, and tourists attractions. The state has a population of over 2 million people with the most number of people residing in the Nye County in South. Spread over an area of 286 sq km, Nevada is home to the famous Las Vegas, one of the most popular towns in the world for its high energy and the endless entertainment options available 24 hours a day. Other major towns in Nevada include Carson City, Henderson, Reno, Elko, Sparks and the North Las Vegas. The state is connected with the rest of the United States and world through a number of airports, some being the busiest in the country. Within the town, you will find an extensive network of roads, railways and highways. Nevada is largely a desert area and is the driest state of America. There is an extreme climate in both winter and summer. In summer, the average temperature lies around 40 °F and winters are fairly cold long. The state doesn’t receive a lot of rainfall, with the average of just about 7 inches. For More Information things to do in Nevada, Nevada Attraction, tourist attractions Contact Us: Email: social@touristtube. com http: //www. touristtube. com https: //www. facebook. com/pages/Tourist-Tube/1635194046710440 https: //twitter. com/TouristTube https: //plus. google. com/u/0/+touristtubepage/posts https: //www. pinterest. com/touristtube/